Sunday, 22 May 2022

Accepting others views

Hardest thing to fathom
Especially when it’s someone close you who you what to understand,
Balancing act to accept others view without an argument looming 
And thinking they accept your opinion too; that’s just presuming.

We are all different
Each of us should know this?
What works for one doesn’t for another 
Perception of others is sometimes a gift others lack,
It’s only their view which they see, 
It’s a shame, perception from others allows you to become free.

Some people advise
Others rather listen
Others what a discussion to engage 
Others just want to talk, and not a solution to be told
Just expressing yourself is just as being bold .

Moving forward is the path I lead 
Acceptance is hard but a lesson to learn, 
Drinking is a release
Exercise releases the same chemicals too…
Most important of all.. God is the one who knows what to do xx

22nd May 2022

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