Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Reminiscing.. sometimes missing

We often used paper and pen
The only phone we used was the one which buttons were pushed, or dialled in a circle, 
And we had fragrances in a sweet smelling myrtle.

We had Rocky 3, and Rambo
And Conan the Barbarian 
And the music of Status Quo
And other sounds which were opposite from anything  egalitarian.

We had ‘Kim Wilde’
‘Go West’ and ‘Tears for fears’
And there was Donna and Barbara who sang that song “no more tears”.

We played cards and spoke
And didn’t need to text, 
We have lost our focus slightly and conversation is type faced in that context.

We laughed until we cried
And yes, we faced ignorance… without the bliss,
There was the group called “musical youth” the sweet kids you couldn’t have missed.

We played pat ball and marbles 
And eyes were away from any phone,
We now live in utterly different times 
Especially from these words that I’ve just shown.

31st May 2022

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