Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Chapter and Verse

No way on earth should we be dictated to,
No one can play god 
And no one, yet no one, can control my thoughts 
Delusion, irrational or simply calm to the fore
The literacy of these words are forevermore.

You may not have time to read what I say
That’s fine, I do not always entirely obey
Yet my heart is genuine and will try their best
Life contains a series of moments where you face big and small tests.

We know this 
I have faced battles I never thought were prevalent to be apart,
My muscles tight, my focus there 
Yet these are attributes to say I also care. 

To say I am scared, of course, from time to time 
I have faced men and mountain twice my size
Yet with gods presence I do not cower 
With sheer love and hope I look to foresakenly tower. 

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