Friday, 27 April 2018

Face the anxiety and win

The environment you are in can test your patience 
Especially from the other persons perception
You try to grow strong 
And learn to avoid deception.

The positives need to come from this
Gods eyes look at you when you face an awkward time 
The person inflicting the anxiety is not at peace with themselves 
They are too struggling for harmony 
Now you can play the tune to crave an epiphany .

Never lose you 
God will see you right 
Trust in him for he will comfort your heart
Love only love is the powerful trait 
You groove and your belief shall cover the bait.

Apprehension and comprehension is your powerful tool
You are the key to your kingdom and no ones fool. 
Simply rest and be at peace with your heart
Devote your energies to love,
That is the warmth which is key 
Hand on my heart just simply be. 

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