Wednesday, 4 April 2018

To feel deserving

To believe in a higher power
You are clearly worthy to capture grace,
People will try to rile your path 
Yet hitting back with clinical words
Shall prevent the order to disturb.. 

Turn the other cheek
Or face the fight you love, 
Serving the lord is gracious and surreal
The humbleness in your soul captures the deal.

Sometimes talking helps the cause
Yet silence, along with slow to anger points its edge to the brim,
Looking endlessly for a perfect life 
Yet serving the higher spirit gets you nearly there,
As grace is an emotion which takes away the fear.

We can all get angry 
And we can all lose focus and ask yourself “why?”
You can blame others for your flaws 
As long heaven is open, and you believe then you bask the glory and conceive. 

Jason Andrews 
4th April 2018
(C) copyrights


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