Wednesday, 4 April 2018

The end

When Jesus died for our sins 
It changed the course of history within the human race and all around,
The vat of dirt was washed away
The lord is humble and powerful from words that i am about to say.

Never lose sight of the highest of high
Graces us with gifts to serve the bigger picture
Allowing the spirit to take over your soul
Jesus died for us and never let you go.

The power of love which cane from the son of god
Focusing your eyes solely on him
Blessth the positives from struggles we face
The new life awaits with patience glorious pace.

When all seems bleak 
Turn your eyes on god 
The prayer is so powerful and attained 
As the almighty is all out to love you to levels we can sustain x 

Jason Andrews
4th April 2018
(c) Copyright 

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