Thursday, 1 February 2018

Meaning of an apology

To say that you are sorry, 
means you are bigger than the cause,
Yes, you may said something wrong 
Then there is no reason for a pause.

We can all say the wrong thing
Which the perpetrator may deny,
Questioning: “ have I said the wrong thing?”
Or is this a moment to forlorn?

Say the word sorry, and pray
Truly “what’s the worse that was said”
A moment to move on
“leave that issue alone, as the past has fled.

I am not being over sensitive 
As I freely admit I was wrong,
The important thing “have I learnt from from the moment?”
Yes I have, as negativity no longer belong., 

✋🏽 hands up x 😉

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright 
1st February 2018

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