Sunday, 25 February 2018

A new generation

The youth of today
With gadgets and knowledge beyond belief
They are different from our era 
Obviously, but at least that is far clearer.

The fast speech 
The constantly texting whilst walking,
This era is very perplexing 
Yet encouragement is required
And balance of heart is so desired.

They talk to you like you haven’t been there before
Just like we have spoken to our parents in the past,
We learn to move forward and try to work together 
There is good in this era 
As not do long ago we were far nearer.

The 80s and prior we had less to make us smile
This generation are impatient because what they materially have,
And we don’t help by teaching them impatience and concept of time,
As this current era does not have the past experience
We yearn for them to have a balance of fun and serious.

Jason Andrews 
25th February 2018
(C) copyright 

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