Tuesday, 27 February 2018


We know we are all different 
We know others won’t understand our thoughts,
Yet sometimes you can look at others and see them as bizzare
Yet again not too often we not that far.

We try our best 
We see with different eyes
Some embrace chaos and noise,
Some need quiet and peace
Seeing from someone’s view
Can give you different perspective and clue.

We live with our thoughts 
And some of us adapt and look at the other persons point of view,
Looking for faith from those who may care less for you
Is the strength you shall have inside
Your goodness does not need to hide.

Stay humble and stay at peace 
Let people follow their path 
And deflect those who impinge on your humility,
As they have their story to tell
Yet it’s my challenge to understand the opinion of others, I may not have
Then again, my answer may be wrong too as sometimes I need another clue. 

Jason Andrews
27th February 2018
(C) copyright 

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