Sunday, 25 February 2018

A new week

So the week shall commence with a chill
The comfort won’t at all make you feel,
Learn to bring to your heart a warmth to see light
Difficult for both you and I 
Avoidance to be negative and release of a sigh.

I wish you a good week
And wish your week to start right
And that the chaos harmonises a little peace 
A strong temperament is required at the very least.

If you have a job, appreciate you have money coming in,
Those who don’t want to be in your shoes
Challenging behaviour will only make you lose.

Those who are selfish, let them be
They have their challenges to face,
You do not belong to there world
And one day you hope they arrive to yours 
If they don’t, just pray as you are at peace 
They are of course welcome...  in the very least.

Jason Andrews 
25th February 2018
(C) Copyright 

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