Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Lack of understanding

My apologise to those I may of offended
My lack of understanding of the millennials shall prevent to transcended.
I should encourage those born at a different time,
As humble beginnings are where they derive.

Love and encouragement 
Is where we should look towards an aim,
People much younger are exposed to items 
We were not familiar with different titans.

Time to motivate and express words off goodness to a generation facing hostility and rapor,
Live to accept the good they can exceptionally bring and speak positive truth to evolve and learn, 
We were once like them, as now we need to yearn.

Be strong, be smart, listen to a person if they are gently saying words of wisdom grace,
Learning is part of life for all generations to entice.
Let’s motivate, as life is precious at a price.

Jason Andrews
28th February 2018
(C) copyright  

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