Sunday, 18 February 2018

Courageous Smile x

Through hostel times 
I am courageous to raise a smile to a perfect stranger,
The stress in our city and,
around the world hits a dimension to our hearts 
I am not scared to lift a genuine grin
From my heart pounding within.

You never know 
That person you smiled at may live alone 
Or is shy, sad or struggling as a whole,
The moment you shared, may bring comfort and warmth
Genuine emotions from inside 
This is pure humility, from which should derive.

The world as it stands is angry and hurt
Yet a smile, no matter how hard to show
Attacks the devil, through politeness blow.

Smile arrives through time
Love always beats the hate,
During times of angst and frustration 
A smile should be the aim of any deliberation.

Jason Andrews
(C) copyright
18th February 2018

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