Monday, 5 February 2018

Love as 1

It’s your life 
And do not question the one you love, Believe in your heart and soul
Yes you will make mistakes
But that’s part of the journey in order for you to take.

So what, if the colour of the other person is different
Can’t 2 people be happy and fall in love?
Isn’t their happiness important to the parental and social eye?
You may have your opinion, 
but it’s a negative to pigeon hole couples to remain together in the same race
Those who do need to reflect and learn to embrace?

People who don’t understand, need to learn
People needs to hold true to these feelings,
Bigoted statements has no place to capture that believing.

To be honest and to be fair 
To love is based on trust, happiness and clear communication
For others you want approval from, need to be at arms length
From your passion, you happen to love someone outside your race 
Holds comfort to your life as others can stay out of trace.

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright 
2nd February 2018

I hear from the bigots who dislike  people who date, or elope outside their race/culture.
It’s sad but as long as people are true to thyself and thrive on an exciting new beginning. Amen🙏🏽

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