Saturday, 3 February 2018

Do not control others

Others may be needy
Others may need support 
Yet to control the others actions 
Is not always necessary 
and can lead the situations to become fraught. 

Gentle psychology is a skill on its own
Yet it’s the person who is needy, 
who has to attain focus and control within
Otherwise the danger is rebelling as the chains  removes the kin.

A partners’ duty is to clearly support and be their, 
Saying you can’t do this, or go over there 
Sheds no help, and isn’t the cause to care.

Hold your head high
Overcome the struggles in your head, 
You have a loving partner who wants to be with you 
So stop controlling others 
As freedom is in the clue. 

Jason Andrew’s 
3rd February 2018
(C) Copyright 

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