Tuesday, 20 February 2018

2 oceans treat x interracial love

2 people meet and race is not the case,
Yes it’s important 
As each other are brought into the world with culture and desire
Learning is key, and for that we embrace each other’s fire.

Races meet and two become one
People of ignorance do not understand
I pray one day all shall understand and respect the path,
Rather than not understanding, and starting off a wrath.

You two look delightful, beautiful and humbly at peace 
Cultures are meant to mix, isn’t that what make the world go around?
Not a segregated thought to hurt and make you feel bound.

You two look great, you are funny and educating to see
You are strong people that have fallen in love, 
The world needs people like you 
Rather than people who do not understand.
I feel sorry for them despite their older years
Yet this isn’t the case in today’s challenging woes
As their disapproval has its insignificant blows.

“Moral of the poem combining is entwining, I have folk like this, I rather say hey you are taking the p#£@!” Love rules.... not bigotory xxx 

Well done Dan and Zviko 

1 comment:

  1. This was amazing i cant believe you wrote a poem of us. Thank you so much i loved reading it. Much love x

    Zviko & Dann xx


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