Tuesday, 13 February 2018


Phones? A way of life?
Years ago if your relative unwell 
You picked up the phone and see what you could do,
Now your phone distracts your thoughts 
Social media is sometimes like a wart and has no clue.

Facebook, snapchat, Twitter and the rest
“She said this and they said that”
Can’t we rest our minds? rather get involved in tittle tat!

The mind needs to rest and phone/tablet has removed that circle,
Are we not becoming impatient with us
When a sentence is faster than a speeding bus.

I know it’s good to contain stress
But the world is struggling with it’s pace 
Humble steadfast is what required
Hence the media shall make us constantly tired.

I like my music hence the reason for my phone 
I do have social media
But rather leave it alone.

Who did this and why did they do that 
To be totally honest, life is difficult at the best of times 
These are prevalent words 
Rather than a lymeric or rhyme.

“Stay focused” 

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
14th February 2018

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