Thursday, 22 February 2018

A huge step

It’s been almost 10 years when i tried to call it a day
Didn’t know what to do,
Or where to turn 
I was waiting for my maker, and ready to burn.

Some will understand my feelings
Some will quiver and judge 
Some told me to suppress 
As I valued my life at that time far less.

The morale, never give in 
People will try to help you fall, 
Their life, is not yours, and vice versa 
You hold the cards, you control the act
If you mess up!! Then life is the key
There is always resolve inside of you, and me. 

A huge leap of strength 
A powerful feeling of peace,
These are trying times of erratic behaviour 
Cumbersome feelings that do not require a taser. 

So here I am 
Strong and willing 
Acknowledging once I was broken 
Now I am gods child 
Forever spoken.

“Spoke out today for the first time in 10 years. Penny thank you, you are truly a great sister. Stay blessed x x”

Jason Andrews 
(C) copyright 
22nd February 2018

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