Wednesday, 28 February 2018


A feeling of openness
And strength from one to another, 
Working through situations that arise
Learning trust can be difficult to do,
We all need to appreciate a gift from the sky
Open tears of forgiveness 
A release to live and no longer sigh.

I lost my trust once 
Due to ill fate and lies
I wasn’t so innocent 
Yet gods gift refute a demise.

Trust one another 
Trust with all your might 
Love and understanding 
Hold my heart and forthwith a diligent standing.

Bring your heart to peace 
Learn to accept trust is a journey of must 
Embrace the challenge to forgive
With that trait you shall undoubtably live.

Jason Andrews
28th February 2018
(C) copyright 

Lack of understanding

My apologise to those I may of offended
My lack of understanding of the millennials shall prevent to transcended.
I should encourage those born at a different time,
As humble beginnings are where they derive.

Love and encouragement 
Is where we should look towards an aim,
People much younger are exposed to items 
We were not familiar with different titans.

Time to motivate and express words off goodness to a generation facing hostility and rapor,
Live to accept the good they can exceptionally bring and speak positive truth to evolve and learn, 
We were once like them, as now we need to yearn.

Be strong, be smart, listen to a person if they are gently saying words of wisdom grace,
Learning is part of life for all generations to entice.
Let’s motivate, as life is precious at a price.

Jason Andrews
28th February 2018
(C) copyright  

Tuesday, 27 February 2018


We know we are all different 
We know others won’t understand our thoughts,
Yet sometimes you can look at others and see them as bizzare
Yet again not too often we not that far.

We try our best 
We see with different eyes
Some embrace chaos and noise,
Some need quiet and peace
Seeing from someone’s view
Can give you different perspective and clue.

We live with our thoughts 
And some of us adapt and look at the other persons point of view,
Looking for faith from those who may care less for you
Is the strength you shall have inside
Your goodness does not need to hide.

Stay humble and stay at peace 
Let people follow their path 
And deflect those who impinge on your humility,
As they have their story to tell
Yet it’s my challenge to understand the opinion of others, I may not have
Then again, my answer may be wrong too as sometimes I need another clue. 

Jason Andrews
27th February 2018
(C) copyright 

Sunday, 25 February 2018

I said it...

Picture the moment 
I am sitting there in a meeting,
And then mental health is discussed 
God speaking to me and the lax speech is then touched.

I said the time I tried to end my life
God was with me all the way,
Holding me in his arms
Ignore caring if I was judged 
I spoke fluidly as I was warmed to my heart 
I felt a message changed 
This wasn’t a normal situation, nor felt deranged.

I mention famous people who tried to end their life
People we view for their art and their skill,
The open minds of words that felt right  to say
This opportunity wasn’t meant to go astray. 

Team members silent 
And pontificating words I released 
We all deserve to be in a good place to work through tests
I was not afraid or scared 
As this was important information I spiritually shared. 

Call it brave or call it foolish
We derive from various beginnings at our time of berth
We work harder, or become a little lazy 
I know from what I said, I wasn’t at all crazy.

“The 22nd February 2018, a day I won’t forget”

Jason Andrews 
25th February 2018
(C) copyright 

A new generation

The youth of today
With gadgets and knowledge beyond belief
They are different from our era 
Obviously, but at least that is far clearer.

The fast speech 
The constantly texting whilst walking,
This era is very perplexing 
Yet encouragement is required
And balance of heart is so desired.

They talk to you like you haven’t been there before
Just like we have spoken to our parents in the past,
We learn to move forward and try to work together 
There is good in this era 
As not do long ago we were far nearer.

The 80s and prior we had less to make us smile
This generation are impatient because what they materially have,
And we don’t help by teaching them impatience and concept of time,
As this current era does not have the past experience
We yearn for them to have a balance of fun and serious.

Jason Andrews 
25th February 2018
(C) copyright 

A new week

So the week shall commence with a chill
The comfort won’t at all make you feel,
Learn to bring to your heart a warmth to see light
Difficult for both you and I 
Avoidance to be negative and release of a sigh.

I wish you a good week
And wish your week to start right
And that the chaos harmonises a little peace 
A strong temperament is required at the very least.

If you have a job, appreciate you have money coming in,
Those who don’t want to be in your shoes
Challenging behaviour will only make you lose.

Those who are selfish, let them be
They have their challenges to face,
You do not belong to there world
And one day you hope they arrive to yours 
If they don’t, just pray as you are at peace 
They are of course welcome...  in the very least.

Jason Andrews 
25th February 2018
(C) Copyright 

Call yourself....

Call yourself a Christian?
Call yourself a man who follows god?
My answer would be very little 
As the journey of spiritual faith
Survives my feelings, from those who may say harm
As Matthew1 chapter 5:44 are the words that deliver humbleness and calm. 

To be open and honest about faith 
Is a journey where the unknown is more open to feel
The acceptance of god in your life 
Makes the quest far more surreal. 

None of us are perfect 
And people who do not believe 
Are always welcome to the lords kingdom 
As when entered you don’t want to leave.

Do not be scared of his call
I promise you it’s the best place you want to be 
Capture the glory of god in your heart
These are times you do not want to part.

“I say this, remember you mr best day as a none believer of the lord and it’s nowhere near better as a believer of Christ.” 

Jason Andrews
25th February 2018
(C) copyright 

Thursday, 22 February 2018

A huge step

It’s been almost 10 years when i tried to call it a day
Didn’t know what to do,
Or where to turn 
I was waiting for my maker, and ready to burn.

Some will understand my feelings
Some will quiver and judge 
Some told me to suppress 
As I valued my life at that time far less.

The morale, never give in 
People will try to help you fall, 
Their life, is not yours, and vice versa 
You hold the cards, you control the act
If you mess up!! Then life is the key
There is always resolve inside of you, and me. 

A huge leap of strength 
A powerful feeling of peace,
These are trying times of erratic behaviour 
Cumbersome feelings that do not require a taser. 

So here I am 
Strong and willing 
Acknowledging once I was broken 
Now I am gods child 
Forever spoken.

“Spoke out today for the first time in 10 years. Penny thank you, you are truly a great sister. Stay blessed x x”

Jason Andrews 
(C) copyright 
22nd February 2018

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

2 oceans treat x interracial love

2 people meet and race is not the case,
Yes it’s important 
As each other are brought into the world with culture and desire
Learning is key, and for that we embrace each other’s fire.

Races meet and two become one
People of ignorance do not understand
I pray one day all shall understand and respect the path,
Rather than not understanding, and starting off a wrath.

You two look delightful, beautiful and humbly at peace 
Cultures are meant to mix, isn’t that what make the world go around?
Not a segregated thought to hurt and make you feel bound.

You two look great, you are funny and educating to see
You are strong people that have fallen in love, 
The world needs people like you 
Rather than people who do not understand.
I feel sorry for them despite their older years
Yet this isn’t the case in today’s challenging woes
As their disapproval has its insignificant blows.

“Moral of the poem combining is entwining, I have folk like this, I rather say hey you are taking the p#£@!” Love rules.... not bigotory xxx 

Well done Dan and Zviko 

Monday, 19 February 2018

Live in hope

“I am alright Jack”
That’s what others tend to say
“I have done this for that person, and the other”
As resentment is muttered in bitter stutter.

We have all been there
When you do more than the other person has done for you, 
Yet it’s your choice to carry out that act
So what do you do next?
Aim to receive, or in my case simply believe.

People will try it on
It’s a flesh feel trait,
I can simply say no and pray for them from afar
That’s the dichotomy 
As that prevents me to feel jarred.

I care and love 
That’s what’s the world needs 
It’s hard when someone is in your face 
Turn the other cheek, 
that’s where the test is.. 
Not necessary what we tend to miss..

Jason Andrews
(C) copyright 
20th February 2018

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Courageous Smile x

Through hostel times 
I am courageous to raise a smile to a perfect stranger,
The stress in our city and,
around the world hits a dimension to our hearts 
I am not scared to lift a genuine grin
From my heart pounding within.

You never know 
That person you smiled at may live alone 
Or is shy, sad or struggling as a whole,
The moment you shared, may bring comfort and warmth
Genuine emotions from inside 
This is pure humility, from which should derive.

The world as it stands is angry and hurt
Yet a smile, no matter how hard to show
Attacks the devil, through politeness blow.

Smile arrives through time
Love always beats the hate,
During times of angst and frustration 
A smile should be the aim of any deliberation.

Jason Andrews
(C) copyright
18th February 2018

19th of February

Cherish this day
And cherish our beautiful friend,
The heart is huge
As the love shall continue to ascend.

May your heart be strong
And desire remain intact,
Love only love assembles rhyme 
As our Rach’s character is our blissful prime.

A hug from our friend 
Is unique and heart felt, especially to the core,
The celebration of this occasion 
Brings us so much more.

Bless you my dear 
as these words are from me to you
As a humble heart along with a beautiful soul
Happy birthday darling 
From the kisses we shall all blow

“Happy Biryhday Rachie Rach x x x and thanking you for caring, sharing and simply being you... xxx”

Saturday, 17 February 2018

I have a condition

I don’t expect you to understand 
Yet my intelligence is not aimed to insult yours,
I have an understanding 
Which isn’t aligned to thee
The blind isn’t always evident 
From those who are unable to see.

I have type 1 diabetes
Which is a Chor at times on its own,
We learn to move forward 
And attempt not to drone.

I work in health
And the impacts is not a sympathetic trait,
My condition is my challenge 
And delivers a learnade fate.

When the shakes happen 
And the crave of sugar hits the mind,
The body is struggling 
But you do learn how to survive.

Yours eyes can get blurry
Or your belly feels woozy and weak,
Empathy or understanding 
Which is so rare in today’s society field,
The idea is to make others aware 
And avoid to yield. 

Jason Andrews
(C) copyright 
17th February 2018

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

A Valentines Message

A time to love 
A time to be together in peace,
Even if you are single, 
this message is for you too
As love is the key from me to you.

I can love you as a friend
And I can love you with prayer and hope
The dynamics of love 
Is like a blossoming flower
Which is pillared like a soaring tower.

A beautiful day
Despite how cold or warm it gets
The message of love is a powerful symphony 
Touching sounds arrive very blissfully.

Enjoy the flowers 
Enjoy the chocolates when they arrive 
The essence of love is true to the heart
Never forget the message which arrived from the start.

“Happy Valentine’s Day” 

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright 
14th February 2018

Tuesday, 13 February 2018


Phones? A way of life?
Years ago if your relative unwell 
You picked up the phone and see what you could do,
Now your phone distracts your thoughts 
Social media is sometimes like a wart and has no clue.

Facebook, snapchat, Twitter and the rest
“She said this and they said that”
Can’t we rest our minds? rather get involved in tittle tat!

The mind needs to rest and phone/tablet has removed that circle,
Are we not becoming impatient with us
When a sentence is faster than a speeding bus.

I know it’s good to contain stress
But the world is struggling with it’s pace 
Humble steadfast is what required
Hence the media shall make us constantly tired.

I like my music hence the reason for my phone 
I do have social media
But rather leave it alone.

Who did this and why did they do that 
To be totally honest, life is difficult at the best of times 
These are prevalent words 
Rather than a lymeric or rhyme.

“Stay focused” 

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
14th February 2018

Monday, 12 February 2018

My blanklet

My shield 
My strength 
My struggles
The challenges hell bent.

You never fail me 
you bring me an angel to save me,
Nothing but total love and respect 
Balance in peace, from what we all detect.

Chaos has its place
I am not privy to that,
Moving forward must have its faith
Humble set up and beautiful state
Served in life’s format, brought in a plate. 

Lies and deceit shall always be there
Gaining a shallow victory does not belong to faith,
The victory arrives from god 
Who is never, ever late.

That blanket I never did see 
Yet as I am comforted in his arms 
No one less blind is more open to see. 

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright
13th February 2018

Saturday, 10 February 2018


Beatles said “all we need is...
George said “as long there is fast....
Stevie said “I just want to say I....
Elvis said “... me tender
Love is the concept we all surrender.

Some are scared of it
Some feel they don’t deserve it
Yet it’s the most powerful force
It defeats evil and shows there’s  no remorse.

The heart pumps love 
And defeats the hate it receives
We are all deserving 
You just simply need to believe.

Songs gives us hope
Love shows us the way,
Love thy enemy closely 
Humble words on a gentle bay.

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
10th February 2018

Friday, 9 February 2018

I don’t get it

I don’t get it???
We simply live in a world of impatience and angst,
Losing focus!
As the speed has no balance, or thanks.

There are people my age, and younger that are impatient and can cause a scare,
Not sure where these words are going 
As I am frightened what i see 
And ideally do not want to share.

Speaking at a thousand miles an hour,
Technology at its peak,
These are end times 
As I am sorry for sounding bleak.

No one is methodical 
And people are in a rush,
Can cause me to become ignorant 
Therefore, my shoulders are strong 
As this behaviour does not belong.  

I love life and I love people of all sorts
Times are challenging,
Jobs are far and few between 
As long there is hope 
Our god shall see in-between. 

“Just throwing it out there” Jason Andrews

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
9th February 2018

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Don’t worry

Easier said than done 
Why worry from what’s out of your control!
We yell, scream and throw a tantrum in our fight 
Perspective is so easy to say 
Yet the tears are your release, 
Through this time Which tames like a beast.

Losing control from an issue we cannot prolong anymore,
We all have a part to play 
But to resolve the impossible is guided through the higher light
Let the powers of heaven restrain the plight.

Let love capture love 
And let hate meet its maker when the time arrives,
You are the important one 
Yet the moral is to remain at peace 
We all deserve that, in the very least.

Let’s the crying flee from the spirit you cannot attain,
Let hope deliver hope, 
Let control be controlled from the higher source
You do not need to serve obligation, 
especially times of remorse.

Ps - be nice to you x 

From that beautiful song “don’t worry about a thing” from Incognito 
Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright
7th February 2018 

Monday, 5 February 2018

Love as 1

It’s your life 
And do not question the one you love, Believe in your heart and soul
Yes you will make mistakes
But that’s part of the journey in order for you to take.

So what, if the colour of the other person is different
Can’t 2 people be happy and fall in love?
Isn’t their happiness important to the parental and social eye?
You may have your opinion, 
but it’s a negative to pigeon hole couples to remain together in the same race
Those who do need to reflect and learn to embrace?

People who don’t understand, need to learn
People needs to hold true to these feelings,
Bigoted statements has no place to capture that believing.

To be honest and to be fair 
To love is based on trust, happiness and clear communication
For others you want approval from, need to be at arms length
From your passion, you happen to love someone outside your race 
Holds comfort to your life as others can stay out of trace.

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright 
2nd February 2018

I hear from the bigots who dislike  people who date, or elope outside their race/culture.
It’s sad but as long as people are true to thyself and thrive on an exciting new beginning. Amen🙏🏽

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Looking over you..

I am not here,
Well actually I am...
It's been a while we met or, telephoned for that chat,
Yet I am still looking down, that's for a fact.

I love you and, care
You are amazing person I am so pleased to have brought onto this earth,
That touching moment in 1951 was so beautiful, and had so much worth.

I am here
I shall never let you go,
You are my darling angel 
From that my heart in you, shall always glow.

Your positive care and the love for you,
Releases a beauty of  eluding care,
My loving daughter, the one I am so proud to share. 

Jason Andrews
4th January 2018
(C) Copyright 

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Do not control others

Others may be needy
Others may need support 
Yet to control the others actions 
Is not always necessary 
and can lead the situations to become fraught. 

Gentle psychology is a skill on its own
Yet it’s the person who is needy, 
who has to attain focus and control within
Otherwise the danger is rebelling as the chains  removes the kin.

A partners’ duty is to clearly support and be their, 
Saying you can’t do this, or go over there 
Sheds no help, and isn’t the cause to care.

Hold your head high
Overcome the struggles in your head, 
You have a loving partner who wants to be with you 
So stop controlling others 
As freedom is in the clue. 

Jason Andrew’s 
3rd February 2018
(C) Copyright 

Thursday, 1 February 2018

What does not...

What does not kills you
Brings a strength in your fight,
You may not see it at the time 
But you are definitely avoiding plight.

Staying strong and breaking when feeling weak,
People may lack empathy 
Yet that isn’t what you are looking to seek.

Mums, dads and others around 
They may not be the person to provide you comfort,
as an angel is lurking in the mist.
We all need to feel loved from time to time 
As the moment plants a gentle and much needed kiss.

Overcome the tiredness 
Your god is nestling on your shoulder, 
Breaking is hard and you can’t see the woods through the trees,
Yet when overcome there is an air to find yourself free.

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright 
2nd February 2018

Meaning of an apology

To say that you are sorry, 
means you are bigger than the cause,
Yes, you may said something wrong 
Then there is no reason for a pause.

We can all say the wrong thing
Which the perpetrator may deny,
Questioning: “ have I said the wrong thing?”
Or is this a moment to forlorn?

Say the word sorry, and pray
Truly “what’s the worse that was said”
A moment to move on
“leave that issue alone, as the past has fled.

I am not being over sensitive 
As I freely admit I was wrong,
The important thing “have I learnt from from the moment?”
Yes I have, as negativity no longer belong., 

✋🏽 hands up x 😉

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright 
1st February 2018

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...