Monday 6 May 2024

The cry we have inside

Lord, ?? I shall ask...why me?
I suppose I want to be recognised and become accepted, 
yet through you, we are all perfected. 

Lord self pity does occasionally arrive, 
My gift is speaking to you through poetic verses
I am looking for a solution, and humble myself through spiritual disperses. 

Lord I know you love me...
Why is this struggle taking place?
This poem isn't about me... who is the writer
I am a vessel who releases the words, and the poetic fighter.

I know you give us all free will
I pray for you each day, 
God you are solomley speaking to me to humbly heal
Letting the stress go and give it to you Lord 
These words are through your elevation in all due accord. 

7th May 2024

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