Monday 13 May 2024

A call from Uncle and cousin Andy

Hello my mucker 

How are you?

Still talking bollocks fella? that’s the Cypriots for you, they don’t have a clue..

“Hello me Margy

How are you kid?”

Have you told him to piss off, 

He sounded a bit awkward, and a bit of a snob.

“Hello my Roy, Gary and Dawnie

How are you getting on?”

I hope you are behaving yourselves, and have done nothing wrong…?

Now to me.. hey Jay Jay there is something wrong with my IPad, have a look!

I’ll reply: “Dad, piss off… and go and read that ‘A childhood in Hoxton’ book.

At the end of the day, I miss you more than this poem expresses

You are my light, which the spirit confesses,

I can hear him now: ‘Love you, you silly git’ 

Now come here and give me a kiss

As it’s your presence we all truly miss.


13th May 2024

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