Saturday, 21 August 2021

You are that good

How dare you..Put yourself down?
You have nothing to be ashamed of
Especially when I see that frown.

So here I begin
You are great 
You are worthy of that promotion
You are a fighter in God’s love and he knows your devotion.

Don’t be too hard to yourself
Others will try; and their words will be thrown in the bin
God has your back, even if you have sinned?

Don’t refuse that hug when you feel you don’t deserve,
or you remain rock hard,
This isn’t the consistency of life, that’s not fair on you
Be humble go your heart from where you pursue.

I hated
Vexated, wanted to hurt me….
People in my circle saying keep that feeling within 
Where inside I wanted to die, thinking the emotionless will win.
So I tell you this, the heavens will one day open and you will ‘see’
The angle of God’s heart leaping inside of you, to see you ‘all’ free.

“I hated the world once, so angered with what was going on. My recipe; running and praying. A winning formula 🙏🏾❤️“

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