Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Pray for thyself

Pray to remove their anger 
Pray to remove the hate 
Pray for the goodness they are ready to show
Pray for the remorse God will let go.

I prayed this morning for the angered and the hurt
Those who have been stabbed with vexatious words and lingering pain, 
A lack of guidance
which is for God to handle.
Don’t leave it down to you only, otherwise you shall be mangled.

I thank the lord for his defence in me
People who are angered, are chained and no further free 
In a world full of negativity and pain
Pray to God, he shall refrain.

I know this is possible 
Because hit my soul
Wanting to crush someone
has it’s  consequences 
God has your back aa well as your defences.

18th August 2021 

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