Tuesday, 24 August 2021

When I speak to Dad

I speak to to the Father each and everyday
Sometimes through struggles I don’t understand; and won’t go away,
Yet I portray a confidence to defeat a demise
Struggling with mental health, and family lack of emotional intelligence, which sometimes hurts and leads to a surprise.

Tired being around negative people…
It’s such a strain…
Yet they have their battles 
Which a breaking point can’t sustain.

I no am tired 
exhausted, desperately needing to rest,
The body is breaking down 
Yet the Father shall pull you through arduous mess.

And battling others opinions about you,
You know there is a Father in heaven 
Especially when you pray, he is your strength and formidable stay.

I am so tired but I know he mends me when you are weak,
I love the thought of love 
Even those who despise me,
I know when I speak to the Father 
The strength of love allows me to be.

“I am tired today, tired and mentally exhausted.. you guys are never alone xxx”

24th August 2021

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Higher power

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