Thursday, 5 August 2021

Prayers will be answered

Prayers are often answered 
They always are..
His focus is on you, and that isn’t at all far.

The peace I possess 
I know is through constant prayer,
Love for another human being is the angle the Father shares.

We need peace 
But we all need to serve the Father,
He will be the one you shout at when having a strop
Then you realise he shall never lead you to flop.

God is love 
And the power of love are the bolts that hold us all close,
This isn’t about self loathing, or looking to argue over pointless conversations which lead to a brawl,
The hope in his love shall never lead you to fall. 

“Love is a statement that leads the light.
Praise the Father”

5th August 2021 

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