Thursday, 26 August 2021

Rejection touching perfection

I applied a number of times 
These are Jobs for approval…
Perhaps it wasn’t to be?
There is a mark already set for you 
Accepting blindness and the passage which is glue.

Keep trying 
What choice do you have?
Yes, some shall get all the gifts and rewards 
But your guile is what God wants you to look towards.

Look at me…
Shall I feel sad for what Materialism I do not have?
And especially those who are impatient with you?
Have no time to explain, where pace is their demon
Let them get on with it, God inside your heart that’s where there is freedom.

Keep trying
Stop saying you are lazy, God wants a trier to fight the pain outside
Where God has a purpose, he has your back
Trust him wholeheartedly, I promise you’ll have no time to slack.


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