Tuesday, 24 August 2021

That old saying

You make your bed and lay in it…
What’s that all about?
Wishing a person to be damaged, from a mistake or harm 
Haven’t we all attributed to a devilish charm?

Greeks are know for twenty years a grudge
Holding that person to longevity of pain…
God saved me 
I am now on a mission and I shan’t refrain..

Hurt me
Beat me
Trust me I thought the same about doing that to you
Then the lord spoke to me, he is your protector…
That more than just a clue?

20 years a grudge… please
Hurting me is no longer the case,
It’s your lack of spiritual awareness which you need to embrace.

“A member of my family holds a grudge towards me… well it’s their lost; and my saving grace??? I pray for them..”

25th August 2021

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