Monday, 30 August 2021

I can’t stop

Running each morning 
Along with many prayers
Fighting for breath
And look down where they stare.

I can do more 
And appreciate the spiritual fight,
God has your mercy
Very much in sight.

I pray to Jesus
With the anger destroyed ,
We are with the king of kings now 
And these words shall never be toyed.

Sweating and moving forward to the highest of high
When faith touches your soul
There is breakage from which you gleefully cry.

“Thank you father for saving my life….”
30th August 2021

Sunday, 29 August 2021

I could reflect ???

I could reflect on life
And view missed opportunities,
Also surrounded by negative judgement.
Looking for an answer, when God is there 
Holding onto hope, when there’s something to share.

Been through anger 
Conflicting punches when hitting out 
It’s all about God’s timing…
As he is always about. 🙏🏽

I love to love
Pray for those who are unsure,
God is the answer; and he is so much more.

It’s about family, community and talking to those you respect,
Avoiding anger, from which others release 
Just like my Yiayia (nan), she brought me peace.

Stay blessed
And stay hopeful with constant direction
My love is nearby, my perennial perfection.

28th August 2021”

Saturday, 28 August 2021

I pray for you

A person with warmth and humbleness
Along with a godly smile
An honour to have met you 
For this time and a long, long while.

Time for people and caring to the core
Bless you my beautiful friend 
Your listen I often had to depend.

Thank you
For being you
Nothing more and nothing less
In my eyes Laura you are my total bless. 

My love to you, mum and Harrison too
You are a blessing, a person I often speak to God
It’s never a goodbye from me
A brother forever, for I am in thee. 

“Laura straight forward and humble words to one good person to another”
27th August 2021

I’ve now been found..

I recall the day I felt there was no hope
Challenges await yet I had no direction;
Didn’t believe in God, and he was my light and perfection.

I couldn’t understand
Those who wanted to guide me, felt they needed to control,
A word of advice, do NOT do that to people like me; or anyone in fact
There is a God awaiting to keep you in tact.

You were there 
No relation, an Angel who simply arrived 
I know you don’t want these compliments but the Father embraces your elevation to prise . 

I did not believe, but your help made me believe
Showing me the light and allowing me to receive.
You are hope, you are joy, you are the voice of reason
And a guide to show me HIM..
Bizarre this may sound, there is a reason why God puts people together, 
you were that warrior, that beacon of hope
Who pulled me from the mire through the sternest of stopes.

“Thank you Nikki and Mathew. A poem from the Father.”
27th August 2021

Thursday, 26 August 2021

Rejection touching perfection

I applied a number of times 
These are Jobs for approval…
Perhaps it wasn’t to be?
There is a mark already set for you 
Accepting blindness and the passage which is glue.

Keep trying 
What choice do you have?
Yes, some shall get all the gifts and rewards 
But your guile is what God wants you to look towards.

Look at me…
Shall I feel sad for what Materialism I do not have?
And especially those who are impatient with you?
Have no time to explain, where pace is their demon
Let them get on with it, God inside your heart that’s where there is freedom.

Keep trying
Stop saying you are lazy, God wants a trier to fight the pain outside
Where God has a purpose, he has your back
Trust him wholeheartedly, I promise you’ll have no time to slack.


Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Keep believing in you

No matter how tired you are, keep trying…
Breaking down is no failure 
Arid the negativity that causes the crying.

Pray to God
He will make it right, even if you despair;
There is the spirit inside
Your heart is to believe he is their.

God speaks with love
And love conquers all,
Even if you struggle to stay up after a treacherous fall.

Be strong 
And believe in your king
“Carp Dieme” or say words to that effect 
The power of prayer is the closest to perfect. 

25th August 2021”

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

That old saying

You make your bed and lay in it…
What’s that all about?
Wishing a person to be damaged, from a mistake or harm 
Haven’t we all attributed to a devilish charm?

Greeks are know for twenty years a grudge
Holding that person to longevity of pain…
God saved me 
I am now on a mission and I shan’t refrain..

Hurt me
Beat me
Trust me I thought the same about doing that to you
Then the lord spoke to me, he is your protector…
That more than just a clue?

20 years a grudge… please
Hurting me is no longer the case,
It’s your lack of spiritual awareness which you need to embrace.

“A member of my family holds a grudge towards me… well it’s their lost; and my saving grace??? I pray for them..”

25th August 2021

When I speak to Dad

I speak to to the Father each and everyday
Sometimes through struggles I don’t understand; and won’t go away,
Yet I portray a confidence to defeat a demise
Struggling with mental health, and family lack of emotional intelligence, which sometimes hurts and leads to a surprise.

Tired being around negative people…
It’s such a strain…
Yet they have their battles 
Which a breaking point can’t sustain.

I no am tired 
exhausted, desperately needing to rest,
The body is breaking down 
Yet the Father shall pull you through arduous mess.

And battling others opinions about you,
You know there is a Father in heaven 
Especially when you pray, he is your strength and formidable stay.

I am so tired but I know he mends me when you are weak,
I love the thought of love 
Even those who despise me,
I know when I speak to the Father 
The strength of love allows me to be.

“I am tired today, tired and mentally exhausted.. you guys are never alone xxx”

24th August 2021

Sunday, 22 August 2021

Birthday rest

A greeting 
A blessing to my sister 
Happy birthday young lady
From this grand dad slipper.

An embrace 
A hug of hope, 
You have the guile to succeed 
You are devoted to the Lord 
Where he looks to intercede.

Blessed children
A perennial hope which God provides ,
The father holds you to inspire a new path
You are his child, never forget 
He’s plan for you is already set. 

Happy birthday dear
And Happy days lay ahead 
Full of laughter, joy and arid the pain
Deb’s you are blessed, words I refuse to refrain. 

“Happy birthday love GDS”
23rd August 2021 

Saturday, 21 August 2021

You are that good

How dare you..Put yourself down?
You have nothing to be ashamed of
Especially when I see that frown.

So here I begin
You are great 
You are worthy of that promotion
You are a fighter in God’s love and he knows your devotion.

Don’t be too hard to yourself
Others will try; and their words will be thrown in the bin
God has your back, even if you have sinned?

Don’t refuse that hug when you feel you don’t deserve,
or you remain rock hard,
This isn’t the consistency of life, that’s not fair on you
Be humble go your heart from where you pursue.

I hated
Vexated, wanted to hurt me….
People in my circle saying keep that feeling within 
Where inside I wanted to die, thinking the emotionless will win.
So I tell you this, the heavens will one day open and you will ‘see’
The angle of God’s heart leaping inside of you, to see you ‘all’ free.

“I hated the world once, so angered with what was going on. My recipe; running and praying. A winning formula 🙏🏾❤️“

Friday, 20 August 2021

Nothing stays the same

No matter how you resist
This is a changing world that frequently persists.

Never the 2 days remain the same,
and jobs never remains as they are.
Changing is never a struggle to forego to take,
More like a challenge you may need to make.

God has your back
He always does,
Pray for the direction he moves inside 
There is a constant change in pattern, which we all need to ride.

Struggles are part of the plan 
Pray for others in their victories when you receive a setback of your own,
The glory of God is needed more, especially in this changing world
Make a difference yourself to prevent the chaos others has herald.

20th August 2021

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Hard on yourself

People will try to aggress 
You will pray harmony in where you profess.
So, you are kind 
and you are at peace 
God’s looking at you, there’s the release.

Don’t hurt yourself
Be kind to your soul, 
God has a plan for us all
Believe, you shall never fall.

And if you have fallen 
Then you will rise,
No embarrassment, or even a demise.

There is a Father who loves 
There is a Father who has always held,
No going back to a place without any Faith 
And no place to refuse where there is hope
Their is balance to keep us alive inside of him
Capture harmony with love and hope of all
My preferred reason is to run and from there. God is all I want to call.

19th August 2021

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Pray for thyself

Pray to remove their anger 
Pray to remove the hate 
Pray for the goodness they are ready to show
Pray for the remorse God will let go.

I prayed this morning for the angered and the hurt
Those who have been stabbed with vexatious words and lingering pain, 
A lack of guidance
which is for God to handle.
Don’t leave it down to you only, otherwise you shall be mangled.

I thank the lord for his defence in me
People who are angered, are chained and no further free 
In a world full of negativity and pain
Pray to God, he shall refrain.

I know this is possible 
Because hit my soul
Wanting to crush someone
has it’s  consequences 
God has your back aa well as your defences.

18th August 2021 

Distance is no excuse

Love is love 
And hope brings you closer to God,
Never give up on your dreams to become true
God is more closer, than you can ever ensue.

Love is hope
Hope is a tower of Love 
Hold me darling, I need you near
None of us have anything to fear.

Bring us hope
We are deserving 
Holding you will be the hope I proudly confess 
There are aspects to capture, they are more and nothing less.

Heavens will open
Don’t look back in fear,
Keep going forward 
Our Father shall hold you near.

Monday, 16 August 2021

A Leap of Faith

Others will judge 
Pray.. do not budge 
Emotional intelligence is key
The path of Faith is inside of thee.

God is your key
The almighty which is holding me,
Vexatious anger, no need to be done
That’s why love of God us the three in one.

Getting older 
Yet health spiritually graces your path,
Refute the demons inside 
Rebuke the Devil’s work that’s denied.

Miracles happen for those who do not deserve 
It’s my time with the Father
The one I honour and look to serve.

“Pray to Jesus with love..  sheer love”
16th August 2021

Sunday, 15 August 2021

Why I refuse to go there

Negativity is no place for us to fall
Yet it’s others perception that can lead us to crawl.

People need their laughter
Not that sordid drive of negativity,
I pray to God each day
That’s my serenity which needs to stay.

I was once that person who started a sentence with that word ‘no’
Now I run for 20 minutes
Now I will constantly smile with a glow.

What’s the point?
Even though that feeling is there,
You need people to care for each other 
And reciprocate for all to share .

“Monday’s poem…”
16th August 2021

Always believed in you

I believe in you father 
Especially when struggling to find the way,
I found hope in you Lord when others told me to stay away.

There are angels to provide us hope
those which are sent from you,
Lord thank you for taking our fight on
When others don’t have a single clue.

Thank you for believing me
where our own can frequently mislead,
I have faith in you the almighty 
Pray for hope where nothing is unsightly.

Remain positive 
The hardest thing to achieve,
surrounded by negativity 
Yet you refuse to intercede.

I don’t need this lord, but appreciate there are tests 
The hope we have in you Father 
We accept there will be a rest. 

15th August 2021

Saturday, 14 August 2021

The can do’s (not the other word)

The word ‘can’ is the word I choose
Not that other word, from which can bemuse.

The word is positive 
It can cause a little harm,
Use it for the goodness of your spirit
And understand what comes within it.

I love that word ‘can’
Positive, thriving and looking towards good
This is a place God wants you to arrive, in which I prefer I could.

I love you Lord 
I lord. The mercy and strength you provide,
When a ‘no, you can’t do that’ is absurd 
I pray for the ‘good can’s’ and the prophetic ‘word’

“Yes rather than no.., can rather than cannot”
Bless you all

14th August 2021

A Time for everything

A time to love
A time to encourage,
A time to give a hug
A time to give someone you love a nudge.

A time to pray
A time to hold onto hope,
A time to restore your self worth when in need
Vexatiousness in others are permitted to recede.

A time to be in heaven 
A time to stay on earth,
Never the Twain meets 
Yet it’s calling of faith is where we retreat.

Love to love 
And pray for those in a difficult place, they need their support 
When the timing is right, the prayers from the Father is where you are taught.

Thank you Alex and Michael 😉

14th August 2021

Friday, 13 August 2021

I did it

I prayed and prayed
I want to be with my love,
Stop being scared about money 
Or vexatiousness of poison honey.

Going to be with my love
Going to be with my joy,
I pleased she persisted with me
As God’s journey I look to deploy.

We keep trying 
Never give in.
If you have time to moan 
Then there is time for a solution
Now go and love your soulmate, 
from there’s no intrusion. 

Stay with us God
Stay with us in our Faith, 
Trials, tribulations will be found 
Love of God, from he I prefer to be hound.

“Pray and Go for your dreams, love God each day. Praying will wash the fears away.”

13th August 2021

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Your day

Embrace it
Enjoy it
A loyal mother, wife and child of God
The lady whose kindnesses prevails
Humility pray tells.

Pray for this Lady
Embrace the kindness of her gifts,
A humbleness within her direction
Kindness personified with no other correction.

This day is yours 
This day is your light
Embrace the situation from the words I’ve said
I am humbled to say this to, furthermore from the words I’ve written instead.

Moving forward
Smiling when we meet,
A woman who once saved my life,
God’s Angel, a spirited soul
Now enjoy this occasion, from this time on you shall flow.

“Happy birthday Mev, May God hold you close and prayers remain close to your heart.”

13th August 2021

Walk of Faith

Questioning a question
Good to have a humble point of view,
When I look towards the Father
That’s the passage I rather choose to ensue.

Living in a world where media has taken over
Look at this message?
Hopefully read with humility and looking towards faith 
Presence of the almighty, definitely deficits the devilish wrath.

Praying is my bolt
Especially when anger is released,
Yes I am human with emotions, sometimes hard to contain 
Yet it’s my love of the Father I want to bellow and sustain.

We have all sinned during turbulent distress
Staying humble with the Father, you will never fall into a message. 

12th August 2021

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Today’s Times

Housing expensive 
Even if you are working,
What was cheap once, is now hard to hold
Homelessness? Scare mongering and stories unfold.

Not trying to be negative 
But London now has its strains,
Youngsters needing a positive lift
Pray to God for a miracle to give.

People with gifts 
Aspirations, desires and motivational skills,
The praying for an opportunity, and no longer climbing up hills.

We need the state to take control of this
People struggling at times when we need a simple chance,  
Give us a property to rent without the struggling costs 
The heavens will one day open, but please not with a looming lost.

10th August 2021”

Monday, 9 August 2021

Diabetes journey..for Type 1s

You learn to take your time 
You don’t over analysis when planning the next steps,
Then there are others who forget what you have 
They cause you stress with the diabetes you have inside
You dismiss them on your diabetes ride.

I’ve been called obnoxious, stoic, difficult and hard
You live with a condition 24/7,
And the hypos will make you feel child like 
As you can feel your calling to heaven.

One day at a time
Or more like minute by minute and second by second,
Having this underlying strain 
Can often make you feel the cause of the pain.

A hypo is like falling down from a great high,
And you need to collect your stuff together, ready for the fight.
Finding your balance when no insulin is released
At least you learn to be stronger with it, as well as taming this Diabetes beast.

“APeople with diabetes know what it’s like to overcome difficult situations on a daily basis, and there are those who rush you and try to move you. Stay strong… us T1D will show the world 🙏🏽❤️“ x
10th August 2021

Sunday, 8 August 2021

God sends

Question it or not 
There is a message arriving your way,
Message from an Angel at a time you are meant to stay.

You can only follow the message God transcends
You can fight to no avail
You are on this journey of hope
From where there is a trail.

Fight harder
Hold silence for those who do not understand 
The message is with God , here’s my hand .

Be humble 
Be loved 
Never lose sight of beautiful hope
Be glorious and togethered 
He will defend the storm that needs to be weathered xx

8th August 2021

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Genius at work

Understanding policy
A genius in the making,
Congratulations sir 
Balancing what you are about to be procreating.

Understanding the health economy wills,
Facing optimism with a realistic view
Gives us hope with a plethora clue.

A door opens as a new one awaits 
Bridging a gap and focusing on evolving views,
Balancing a health outcome that you are truly aware
Perennial understanding, from which I feel you do care.

Never a goodbye
Just comeback to say hello,
Bless you Matthew 
From this new passage you shall continue to grow.

All the best Matthew our friend
7th August 2021

My love for you🙏🏽❤️

😘Thank you for your teachings 
Thank you for your love, 
Sorry I am always distant 
 Yet God’s reign glides like a dove.

Heaven will open up
Words are balanced and frequently said,
With God comes hope and there is the Bible to guide, 
Always praying to the Father 
From the turbulation that’s deride.

Moving upwards 
Moving towards never ending love 
The love we have, shall never be shoved.

Hope comes with prayer
Anger never far,
Yet it’s our time with the Lord
Brings us closer to removing the devils blunt sword.
❤️🙏🏽 .

7th August 2021

Friday, 6 August 2021

I believe in God

I believe in God 
Knowing he will take me home,
He is my forefront and the end 
The almighty I want to hold and hold my hand to lend.

I believe in God
The hope that lifts us all,
Refusing to accept him, is a denial to you
Yet insult will not come your way
Because love is deserving for what I want to say.

I crave you Lord
My hugs and blanket waiting to be receive ,
There is hope in us all
Just need for us to believe.

Believe in you
The almighty grace and mercy I wanting to hold,
Learning a balance, isn’t where this ends 
Just wanting to be near you, the great way of all
Once we pray we will become tall.

6th August 2021

Working through the Devil’s taunts

A place we all prefer to avoid 
Social awkwardness, a challenge for most
God’s angle is the preferred  option 
Holding onto him through sincere adoption.

Anger hits 
Struggles do arrive
The past often haunts anyone's way
Stay with the Father, it shall eventually be okay.

Hurting inside 
And people thinking you have got it right,
We are on this earth, confronted with people with challenges to overcome 
It’s the Devils taunts you want to succumb.

Pray to God
Pray for his never ending hope,
Never lose focus when arguments manifest 
God’s got this victory, for that is what I profess.

6th August 2021”

Thursday, 5 August 2021


Have a great time 
I know you have every intent,
No more logging on
Looking at diaries to align
Someone else's problem for now, I refine.

Enjoy the peace 
Enjoy your rest, 
Such an obvious statement to express 
Well done for enduring, where you profess.

Thank you for your support
Thank you for just being you,
Cracking me up with prophetic words 
As resting up is now due, 
Relish the cotswolds, that journey ensues.

Have fun
I repeat that word , rest…
Enjoy your time Song
You are the glue in this place, enjoy your time away which I am sure you shall embrace. 😉 
6th August 2021

Prayers will be answered

Prayers are often answered 
They always are..
His focus is on you, and that isn’t at all far.

The peace I possess 
I know is through constant prayer,
Love for another human being is the angle the Father shares.

We need peace 
But we all need to serve the Father,
He will be the one you shout at when having a strop
Then you realise he shall never lead you to flop.

God is love 
And the power of love are the bolts that hold us all close,
This isn’t about self loathing, or looking to argue over pointless conversations which lead to a brawl,
The hope in his love shall never lead you to fall. 

“Love is a statement that leads the light.
Praise the Father”

5th August 2021 

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Parent child

To be the parent you need to learn what’s it like to be a child
Striking the balance is never easy,
Parenting is simply hard to do 
Yet being a child who needs guidance, does need a clue?

You would struggle if your parents struggle being adults
And their child become afraid,
No source of guidance, just adults in a tirade.

Some children get good parents 
And some parents receive good children.
My barriers stay firmly up
And with the smile from God, he removes you from the rut.

Keep your energies high
But that comes with a humble prayer,
Parent child or child parent needs to be restored 
I pray to the Father that none of these children are floored.

“I did not receive the emotional support when growing up. But what I can speak highly of? Is that there are Angels looking over God’s children.”

4th August 2021

When a prayer is said

When God fills your heart
It’s ready to empty again,
The brokenness you feel is ready to transcend.

I’ve said this in poems of the past
Especially when you feel low
And “getting on with it” isn’t doable 
And understanding isn’t feasible.

People do get God may be in a struggle
I maybe one of those types 
Whose overthinking and in a bit of a muddle.

You fight, break up and make up
The latter words need to be felt
Struggles on this earth, when time passes you by
I look to the Father, always as the restoring comes with a cry.

“When low, pray… try it. Don’t fight it… love God”

3rd August 2021 


Decide for on our future
People nip in with their suggestions
Then again, hope comes with prayers 
From that moment you ample messages are there.

Praying for answers 
It’s all in God’s timing 
Balance of mind to find a measured way
The truth comes out , with God you’ll need to stay.

Kindness is warmth 
Kindness does make the world go a round,
Anxiety is overcome from prayers
Stay positive when you see the Father, Lord and king of kings 
Let the tears run through, it’s your time he will give you answers
All revealed with hope and joy 
The answers come with from hope, 
especially from the questioning when I was a little boy.

3rd August 2021”

Monday, 2 August 2021

God’s will

The Faith which is held in the heart 
Letting go, and let the Father start a brand new you,
A leap of Faith is awaiting to imbue.

I never believed before
Now I am basking through his mercy and grace,
When others offend me now, his defence is there
It’s when you remove yourself from him, is when you thinks no one cares.

He brings down people to humble your soul
Words of wisdom passed through him,
The Devil’s chances are very thin.

If you believe in the aggression, like it’s a fashionable cause.
Then delusion of grandeur is a ‘wake up’ pause,
Love is spirit, and despite the challenges we all have to face
There is a Father in heaven, I rather glorify and embrace.

“No matter what’s going on in the world, if others hurt, remember there is a spirit protecting you. Pray to him.. it makes a difference.”

3rd August 2021

When you speak to the Father

You will find hope 
Especially when words are harshly exchanged
People wanting to start a conversation, which you will be uncomfortable with,
You defuse, because you are NOT in that place of fighting 
Lord father you say the right things, especially when you are sufficing.

Arguments frequent 
You just want to live your life,
Why do people challenge your spirit 
When words said hurt the soul within it.

Hurting me is bad
But never hit the Father way up high,
When you offend him, the sadness comes without a sigh.

It hurts me that my distance is there
But what can I do? Look to the past?
Why can’t we leave that moment there,
Does that stop me ever wanting for loving care.

“When people instigate a conversation you refuse to have, and you pray afterwards”
2nd August 2021”

When God loves

No point arguing 
I never understood that trait??
That time when we reach heaven, will be a sanctum a goodness of fate.

No point fighting aggressively 
Unless it’s justful and has insight, 
The bible recites the protection of those misled 
God never sleeps, even from what is written, and balanced instead..

Humility of kindness 
The protection to work through,
God sees the forthcoming before you do,
It’s his favour, because he loves you.

A leap of faith is required 
And a leap of trust towards the almighty of high,
Stay close to the Father,
And there’s nothing to be ashamed of, even if you cry.

“God loves and he loves you more…”
2nd August 2021

Daily Prayers

Pray everyday
Politeness does not work,
Encouragement fills the heart
Why discourage when negativity pertain a part.

Logic in niceties 
Logic in politeness 
Logic in humbleness in a fractured world,
Never lose hope for we are children of the highest of high
Am I being soft? no… love is powerful and removes any draining sigh. 

Keeping focused on love, care, humbleness and direction 
God is the example to guide us for where to go
Do you feel that being negative is realistic when damages hit the core
Love to the Father, forevermore.

This message is simple 
Unlike negativity, Love does not stain;
When I pray for you brothers and sisters 
The kingdom of God shall always remain.

“Another poem… of positivity”
2nd August 2021

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Reason for all seasons

People come and people will go
Some arrive for a short while,
Some will be there to the end
It’s God timing that shall always ascend.

I never want to leave a situation 
But sometimes that’s where the line is drawn?
Never lose the person inside, and forcing it may result in you becoming torn.

I use to feel bad when a situation ended the way it did
I am sure the emotional intelligence reaches its place of connection,
Only focus on the Father, the closest to get to touching perfection.

Strong in spirit 
Prayerful at all times,
Solace in the reflection of God’s timely will
His hope inside of you is free to take
Going to him at the start is acknowledging where you life was once at stake.

1st August 2021


Avoid those who are cynical
They will sap your energy,
Be around those who fill their hearts with prayers
Protection, caused by damages you do not want to share.

Say nothing to those who are aggressive or fraught
Their insecurities will eventually break, at this time they chose not to be taught,
Yes, we all want solutions; but this is earth a place where breakage is set
Come towards the Father, the one point of saving 
I won’t look back as I no longer be craving.

Those who believe in evil shall never win,
Yes, they have an income and material things to enjoy,
I rather look towards the Father, and I am not being coy.

I have received this gift of poetry which I do not deserve 
Yet focusing on the Father who fills my heart,
I love my enemies who do not deserve my hand 
Yet it’s where my heart reaches is important from where I stand.

“First poem of the month of August 2021”
1st August 2021”

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...