Saturday, 3 April 2021

Diabetes hope

Yes, I face challenges when I have a condition to consistently balance.
Carb counting 
Blood testing
And then the correct dose from the insulin and needle 
It’s not a game, it’s life that we cannot wheedle.

Trying to understanding this condition you have underlying and need to comprehend
It’s more than shoving food in your face,
Chocolate doesn’t combat the woes, it leaves the sugary fats inside
Learn more about the condition, it doesn’t need to feel like tirade or tide.

The condition is chronic
Uncertain in fact,
Yet there is a determination 
Where you need to look at solutions where you are at.

Is it unclear what I am trying to say?
Of course, it’s a condition from which that person needs to fight each and every day.
Learning about calculations, calibration, blood sugar testing and finally that moment of eating
This type 1 with diabetes will continue to fight and carbs that I refute anyone from defeating.

“Life with type 1 diabetes or diabetes in general is complicated, no matter how articulate I am about the condition, all people must understand that ‘you own diabetes, not diabetes owns you’.”

๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ 3rd April 2021

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