Thursday, 27 February 2020

Others controlling?? Really?

There are people that control
To a degree which can hurt your soul,
Those types, that do not want you to fall down
Isn’t that how we learn? otherwise that causes the frown.

I was once controlled 
I am now stronger, actually free...
No point babying me 
I am my own person and now can clearly see. 

With faith up high 
And love to support the persons needs,
Gods request is to support one and all,
Through him you shall not fall. 

I love those who DO and DONT love me
I wish them no harm, even if they do onto me...
Controlling me is a sad state of affairs
Not much controlling, especially if you fall down the stairs.

We try to make all things work with a balanced aim
I was once a child with nowhere to turn,
People saying “I was there” yet they were not, 
trying to control my each and every move 
The glory goes to God that’s where I receive my humble soothe. 

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