Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Bee in the bonnet

How dare a person suggest they know your health needs,
Telling me how to manage type 1
Without the qualifications, or the pancreas that’s no more
Through the scattered seeds, which are equally as sore.

I try so hard to make this condition work
And if I have a poor day, like you, I feel like crap
Energies damaged and restoration slapped.

It’s easy... (that’s what they say)
you really don’t have a clue?
Controlling behaviour, isn’t entirely this condition 
Ground hog day with a touch of rendition.

Stay blessed 
Stay hopeful 
Just ignore those who think they know but do not have a clue,
Stay positive because I live with it each passing day,
The best person is the patient 
You control it (not you)... every step of the way.  

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