Monday, 24 February 2020


Disappointment of those that are not there 
They say they have been your pillar 
Yet the truth is, they may not care.

So hard to expect 
when others have broken your spirit,
Yet you comeback stronger 
As gods calling will harness yourself  “in it”.

You never expect 
Sad as it may sound,
Some have family that support 
Others are out for themselves which harms
The latter inflicts the spirit of calm.

Praying is power 
And the power of forgiveness shall exalt,
May love of god help you through with his grace 
As he sends an angel to reassure your protection 
“Why me lord!” You rant. His reply: “it’s because I am your perfection” 

“Stay with him.. never let go, love him with all your might, the devils defeated, end of fight”

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