Monday, 3 February 2020

Never doubt

You’ve heard what I am about to say before
Never lose focus of your dreams 
If you simply believe 
All appears what it seems.

Yes you may have fear 
Yes, you may have doubts 
But negativity is not the same as reality...
Reality puts your hopes and that gives you a drive 
You are that good, regardless what others think 
It’s not all about JUST keeping alive.

We all need each other 
We all have hopes and wants,
There is a god in heaven to hold us up
And praying delivers a belief inside
Eradicating negative thoughts... often subside.

None can reach perfection 
Prayers are your true reflection 
Those who are angered and feel unloved 
Never enter that realm.., those thoughts shall be removed, allow god to shove. 

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