Monday, 24 February 2020

Nothing more is going to hit you like LIFE...

We get older and weary 
We train hard and soon run out of breathe,
There are technics to remain positive capturing love
The skies are there, haven’t you seen the birds flying above?

We all deserve happiness 
We all deserve joy
We all need to feel special, 
If you believe there is simply only one to obey
Guess what..? You WILL be ok...

The number of times I blamed god
And in truth he was the only one who loved me with amazing grace,
Even the thought spirit he wants me to succeed 
Knowing Jesus died on the cross 
For all of us to intercede.

My tears are through joy
My pain is slowly washing away,
He is never far away from the truth of your goals 
Loving Jesus will make you become whole.

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