Monday, 25 February 2019

The power of words

We all know what words can do
They can build an empire 
Hurt your soul,
Pray to the heavens
Show love when needed most
Sometimes asking someone if they want a piece of toast.

Words are the contortion to mould exhalation and love,
Also the nature of giving bad news when there is nowhere to arrive,
Comprehend understanding where that person comes from
Judging a person because they do not known why people act a certain way,
Allowing balance of context to release a humble stay.

Words can be anything, from intellect to emotion state
Delivering a message of joy or woe
Can reach a person to connect and make sure the pain goes.

Words are in essence a faceted concocted recipe to love and pray
The humbleness of words contain a desired effect 
Let’s remain less judgemental in this challenge world we all endure
As spreading the word of peace is the factor we need to capture and ensure.

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