Thursday, 7 February 2019

Positivity equals love

Look at life 
If you love, you then become positive
If you are positive, then that leads to love
Glowing in spirit 
Learning to be so within ‘it’

Life can be good
Life can be bad
Life can be slow
Life is loves understanding to flow.

Behaviour will breed behaviour
Angst is brought in from what life may throw.
Scared how someone reacts is tentative in itself 
Confess with your mouth, heart and soul
The protection from the higher power is where we grow. 

Love thy neighbour 
Hate has no place on this earth
People will say “that’s just the way it is” 
No, it’s not, why are we all arguing to get one over the next!
Political nonsense has no place in gods calling 
Heaven as it is on earth shall prevent us to keep falling. 

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