Saturday, 16 February 2019

Stay positive

I have said these words before 
And yes, I am saying the same thing in a different way,
Just keeping positive, that’s all I have to say.

Loving, caring, beautiful that is what you are
People will try to rile and judge you
They do not want peace 
I am stoic, say little,  a clinical beast.

Don’t get me wrong, if you want me to do something 
I’ll do my utmost best
Keeping strong when a ton of words are thrown at you,
Keeping positive by exercising and acknowledge the good person I am 
I kill words with a few of my own 
Guarding my heart from my own words, that I’ve thrown.

People won’t get you
People will say nasty things,
Remember we have all slipped up from time to time,
Heaven and earths prayers 
From humble forgiving, what is yours can also there’s. 

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