Monday, 4 February 2019

People will say...

Sometimes you look in the mirror 
And worry what others might say,
Hurtful statements to damage the heart
You need to be strong and allow those words to eventually part.

Yes, it’s sad when others judge how you have lived your life
You have done nothing wrong, remember that 
We have all made mistakes 
And at times we haven’t seen the ‘wood through the trees’
I feel we are all on a different journey, that others cannot see.

Looking at idolatry
People don’t understand, so they judge 
Can’t we all accept we are different, and people do not need to receive condoling words
Blind to the fact no one lives a perfect life 
People have hastily said horrible things 
Hence a glory for what we bring. .

Once you pray for those who persecute you 
The spirit within protects your heart,
Humble retrieval is where it should start. 

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