Monday, 18 February 2019

Listen to your dreams

You never amount to anything?
You won’t achieve your dreams?
You won’t amount to anything.
What a lot of nonsense, judgemental fools
They have failed themselves, go out there with your spiritual tools.

No one should ever put anyone down
No one should derail a persons hope
If that person fails and others gloat: “I told you so.”
At least have succeeded by trying your best
Regardless of the result you have at least you have attempted the test.

People will try to put you down
They don’t understand your views or character you portray
You are you, unique and beautiful in gods eyes 
None of us are perfect as we aspire towards the lords prize.

Learn to grow with positive love 
Learn from your mistakes
And if you make another, it’s not the end of the world 
I have been reminded of my mistakes
I now ignore those people as I pray afar
Be strong, be open, be loving and be great
These are powerful words that lead to a prayerful fate.

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