Thursday, 28 February 2019

Diabetes... the endless story

A condition where ignorance from others can hit
You are sampling a sugar low,
And someone just watches when the condition is not in a place to flow
And Scoffing more sugar than you need
Light headed but now eager to succeed.

Then there is life,
A frequent moment of challenges faced
Confront the system you need to embrace 
Patience with yourself no doubt needs to be in place.

Diabetes gives lessons which you need to work through 
Patience, guile, support and empathetic traits
Puts you in harmony, which needs to be in. Healthier state.

Think about it, if your blood sugars go high
Or stay in range 
This is the life for someone with type 1 to endure
Others may be ignorant, compassionate or genuinely have no view
As long you are in control, that’s the most important clue.. x

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Blissful day

Brace the time 
Enjoy the sun
Remove negativity 
Just go out there and have some fun.

Tell a terrible joke
Or have a banter 
Can’t always be serious 
Maybe embroil in a cantor?

Flow with your serotonin 
Flow with when life just hits,
Try to be amusing and care free
Nothing better than having a joke of three.

Make fun of my bald head
Tell a joke from Dave Allen or Jimmy Carr
The best thing anyone can do is simply pray afar. 

Bless 😉


A contentious subject
As SOME people will try to hurt you
Where there is love there is also hate, 
Sometimes hurtful things happen, and sadly it could be fate.

We have all been hurt
And it’s led to despising 
Moving on can be difficult and often contriving.

There are people who love you 
There are people happy to listen and care
The hard work comes from you, you know this!
That venomous nature needs to be missed. 

I care for my friend 
I can only say or do so much,
Maybe my help is not needed
I pray from a distance because they are my friend 
Love only love is where anything in life transcends. x


Monday, 25 February 2019

The kindness person I known

Say a bad word about this lady and I’ll go ape 
My Nan, the calmest and loveliest soul I am so proud to have known
A balance individual whose heart towards me has totally grown.

Never judged
Never said a bad word about anyone else,
One in a lifetime I am so honoured to have loved
The feistiness of this world could learn from her booming heart,
A touching soul that shall never part.

In Greek Gran means “Yiayia” 
And despite the worlds tantrums and vicious remarks
She was an amazing example where I like to think I have captured a few of her traits 
A wonderful person whose humility is beautifully states.

It’s been many years since she has been gone 
A god fearing woman
A loving mother and exceptional grandmother who is so hard to replace,
My world, my humility, my emotion, my love and my life 
She is the beacon of beauty and exhales my never ending duty x🙏🏽

The power of words

We all know what words can do
They can build an empire 
Hurt your soul,
Pray to the heavens
Show love when needed most
Sometimes asking someone if they want a piece of toast.

Words are the contortion to mould exhalation and love,
Also the nature of giving bad news when there is nowhere to arrive,
Comprehend understanding where that person comes from
Judging a person because they do not known why people act a certain way,
Allowing balance of context to release a humble stay.

Words can be anything, from intellect to emotion state
Delivering a message of joy or woe
Can reach a person to connect and make sure the pain goes.

Words are in essence a faceted concocted recipe to love and pray
The humbleness of words contain a desired effect 
Let’s remain less judgemental in this challenge world we all endure
As spreading the word of peace is the factor we need to capture and ensure.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Start the week...

Bless this week ahead 
Try to be positive 
And avoid negative souls
They are not understanding of faith
They enter into melee of wrath.

I can only pray for people who haven’t found faith
It’s the best message you can touch,
No more bitching or being subjective to others
A better place I find,
I rather be nice, than a character who undermines!

Care is sharing 
Loving is never shoving,
Natural habits people fall in
Loving is the only way forward in mind 
None who can now see, can never be so blind.

Be humble 
Be joyful 
Be attired when you leave your home
Love is all around 
No place where we cannot find the stone.

dont understand

Smile a day 
Is better than moaning,
“Clearly” you may say
I rather raise a smile to bring out joy
You may be struggling as I pray 
Rather than be defeatist from topics of today.

Turn off your notifications 
We are so aware what is going wrong
Politics have no pleasant news
Trying to make us low and potentially bemused.

Just keep trying 
Make this day work for you,
Times are going to be a struggle 
If you look at the potential positive you won’t always feel in a muddle.

We are big people 
Yet are at times we are when children play,
Good in a happy perspective 
Rather be inconspicuous, and a detective.

Be loving 
Be joyful 
Be beautiful 
Be harmonious 
Be giving 
Isn’t that life all about...? Living?

My poetry

What can I say
This is merely a gift I share,
Some understand the words 
Some may think what’s written is absurd. 

Articulation combined with faith 
A melee of words expressed from sheer faith
I am trying to be nice when your thoughts could be angered 
I am holding my own at moments when I could be staggered.

The words flowed through faith 
A conversation with a higher power pertains,
I have been abused because people don’t understand 
I am being bold, that’s where I stand.

I love you, I love that you all have potential to make things turn spiritually attainable 
As long as you believe 
Then all things are sustainable. 

Songs of past

Elvis lived the dream
Roy Orbison related to the words 
Frank did it his way
We all have a voices, in what we say. 

Love is all around 
Rick said “never going to give you up.”
The proclaimers said “they would run 500 miles”, 
Wham said “choose life”
Message of positivity that hits away rife.

Life is a challenge, more than its ever been
Some will say “I am alright jack”
I am more caring and want to give 
There is always someone who wants to care, and help you live.

McEnroe, Bjorn and Connors fought
They believed in their hearts and dreams,
Yes we face knock backs, when we thought we were the best
Stay positive, learn from the falls as well as the rises
Believe in a higher purpose and be strong 
We all need to stay positive in faith, and belong . xx


There are ways of expression 
Someone you have fought
Even that timid subject called politics 
Where the subject enhances a ‘mere’ tick 

Stay focused and try not to live beyond your means 
Brilliance in humility 
Nothing spectacular 
A simplified fate
Love all around 
Avoid getting into a state.

These words are not brilliant
They are simply a matter of fact
People make mistakes
That’s how you learn 
If others are livid, allow them to become stern. ☺️

People may not like me
And I know there are others that do.
As long there is faith inside 
The stormy moments shall always subside.

Balanced opinion

The world that we live in has variants,
Activity is so fast 
From the words that are often rapidly said
A balance tone has now gone to bed.

Speaking fast 
Can Sometimes be needed
A balance and controlled voice 
Is not blinding us with science 
And holds no defiance.

The written word needs to be said in a balance tone 
In Business, health and commerce to grasp comprehension 
Producing a listed brace 
And make us avoid unnecessary haste.

Words are not benign 
They have substance to the core, 
Methodical reading places on the spirit high
Moving forward, there is no need to sigh.


Hit from all angles

Doesn’t matter what dampening words others say 
Their opinion is merely a haste of woe,
We have all been hurt by words 
The nasty ones have nowhere to go. 

Look at that person in the eye
And say calmly “ok” 
A response is where they want to attack
I think the attribute is “humility” 
A more focused plot and depriving purity. 

Always remember love isn’t always about hugs or care
It’s about power to stay strong within
A beautiful possession to rebuke any sin.

You are worthy to stay on this earth and embrace the love god has for you.
If you “don’t get these words of calm”
Then I assume you prefer to execute harm?

No point hurting people 
There is no beneficial gain,
I prefer to be loving and kind and, do my best to solve peace
Ain’t we all deserving of that, in the very least x x 

Friday, 22 February 2019

Open minded learning.

If you damn a soul
There may be reasons arise,
Looking towards a new future 
Capturing confidence which never bemuse you.

When strength fills your heart
And faith is your desire evolution,
Capturing the power from holding onto spirit
Evolving and learning to keep within it.

When judgement is no longer charming 
Then move away from idolatry harming,
Move forward and learn to be the best person you can be
Look towards the heavens, 
Then you will eventually see.

Closed minded souls
Just need to be prayed for,
They have plenty of answers 
But no substance in the truth,
Blinded by ignorance as they stay in the booth.

Open heart

Open heart
Open mind 
Closed minded sources 
Need to work on their resources.

Love thy neighbour 
People you do not respect,
So what position that puts you,
Need to love further 
A journey worthy to pursue.

Honesty is beauty 
As long as it does not inflict woe,
If you cast aspersions to a light minded soul
Be gentle with your thoughts as they may retract with a blow.

Fighting talk 
Or spiritual walk,
Love and empathy is key 
As long as humbleness doesn’t make you flee.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Praise the heavens

Praise the heavens
Never lose the sight of hope
You may be facing a time to reflect 
Love and holding in what we set.

Close your eyes
A hug from a friend which god sends,
Touching reflection to hold your peace
Angels endearing from a godly call
Making sure you are comforted without a fall.

Here is my hand 
I can be here as long as you want
Why? We care, we love and we hold
Love is kindness and a shoulder to be bold.

If you cry, then do so
Peace will eventually arrive in your heart. 
Dear, we are here 
and caring is a formality to care. 

Monday, 18 February 2019

Listen to your dreams

You never amount to anything?
You won’t achieve your dreams?
You won’t amount to anything.
What a lot of nonsense, judgemental fools
They have failed themselves, go out there with your spiritual tools.

No one should ever put anyone down
No one should derail a persons hope
If that person fails and others gloat: “I told you so.”
At least have succeeded by trying your best
Regardless of the result you have at least you have attempted the test.

People will try to put you down
They don’t understand your views or character you portray
You are you, unique and beautiful in gods eyes 
None of us are perfect as we aspire towards the lords prize.

Learn to grow with positive love 
Learn from your mistakes
And if you make another, it’s not the end of the world 
I have been reminded of my mistakes
I now ignore those people as I pray afar
Be strong, be open, be loving and be great
These are powerful words that lead to a prayerful fate.

To inspire

Smile today 
tomorrow may bring change,
Clearly that’s life
Yet loving is the trigger to strive.

Excessive drinking
Yes be happy and light headed
Be nice to people that you don’t understand 
Challenging yes, but humble on gods gracious land..

Happiness in materialism??
Is not the way to raise a genuine smile
Think about it, it only buys a moment of superficial joy 
A smirk does not show you love, that’s coy...

Helping from the heart
Doing something totally selfless gives great reward
Love thy neighbour should be effortless, and never untoward. 🙏🏽

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Forever Praying

Keep on trying, do your best
Moving forever forward 
Is a constantly living in life’s test.

Love your heart 
And never lose your way,
Focus on the better you
You are unique and never let anyone make you feel blue.

Trials will arrive 
Good times are around the corner,
Be beautiful in body and heart 
Always remember if you fall over, pick yourself up, stay with god and never depart.

People who are negative
Pray for them, just like written in the book of Matthew chapter 5 verse 44
Difficult attribute to capture 
As we look towards our hearts and pray towards gods stature. 

Being judged

Not a fair principle 
Especially when you just put your head down and work,
Peoples judgement because they don’t understand 
Therefore treated like a contraband.

I don’t get it when others judge you
Because they have too much time on their hands,
“We all judge” I hear others say
Leave me at peace or I’ll lead you to go away. 

Judging is not a healthy thing to do
Yes, we are human 
But put away the chaos of judging side 
So much unhealthiest and often contrived.

Facebook, twitter and politics that bring the cause
Learn to move forward and push those people away
They are clearly unhealthy 
As I have nothing more to say.

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Stay positive

I have said these words before 
And yes, I am saying the same thing in a different way,
Just keeping positive, that’s all I have to say.

Loving, caring, beautiful that is what you are
People will try to rile and judge you
They do not want peace 
I am stoic, say little,  a clinical beast.

Don’t get me wrong, if you want me to do something 
I’ll do my utmost best
Keeping strong when a ton of words are thrown at you,
Keeping positive by exercising and acknowledge the good person I am 
I kill words with a few of my own 
Guarding my heart from my own words, that I’ve thrown.

People won’t get you
People will say nasty things,
Remember we have all slipped up from time to time,
Heaven and earths prayers 
From humble forgiving, what is yours can also there’s. 

Defiance of type 1 diabetes

A condition like type 1 you need the following attributes:
Mathematical awareness 
Analytical.. and fearless 

I went to the GP today
and saw the nurse
Did she know anything about my condition? “hell no”
Inpatient and talking about her mum, who has the condition 
I said to her, “listen the condition is complex, more than you know”
Yet her knowledge was limited and attention span a little low.

I wouldnt mind, her job isn’t easy to do
Hearing people like me harp about this and that,
A tick box exercise that all it was 
I stood my ground and said “it’s ok to have knowledge, but doing is key”
I confess, my condition shall always have its challenges 
As I know sometimes things just need to be.

I embrace diabetes knowledge as my temperament works it through
Day at a time, you are the expert patient with a long term focus, 
You own the condition, not the condition owns you.
Accepting, learning and moving forward as this is perplexing 
Yet as least I have the patience, guile not to give in
It’s your health, you have done nothing wrong...
if others think they know your condition better than you
Just say this: “I have experienced a hypo. So what would you do?”

If there wasn’t that ‘L’ word

If there was no love
Then the world would resent 
The ‘L’ word is so pivotal 
And not so unquantifiable.

If the ‘L’ did not exist 
Then there is no chance to make amends
Woeful bitterness 
Isn’t done you want to transcend.

If that ‘L’ word was removed from everyone’s life
Then challenges would be harder to manage
An aggression to bat away that word, 
would simply enhance damage. 

When that ‘L’ word holds you 
Then god, and all around you will matter 
Humbleness and unconditional love
Neither are rocket science 
Yet with that ‘L’ word there is a spiritual defiance. 

Touching spirit

Even if the clouds appear grey
Praying and blessing, embraces gods gifts
Shall propel you to constantly lift.

Sometimes you pray 
And what you wish for does not arrive,
The spirit has something in store for you to become much more alive.

When the spirit grows inside you  
There is no way you can return to the old you,
You are now touching heavens delights 
His sheer mercy and grace holds true
Just believe, that’s all... then the delights shall ensue.

I write these words for no acclaim
That glory goes to the highest of high,
Stay close to him and there will be perineal love 
Nothing comes close that can at all shove. 🙏🏽

J x

Peace with Health

At peace, in a forever changing world
Health comes first, yet pressures hit the utmost strain
Need to keep busy, without your health losing focus
Spirit in the sky is where we need to be closest.

The joys of health is like no other
And in time your health obviously goes through a change
Often unassuming, for which appears a little strange.

With a warm heart 
A gush of blood pumping around your soul,
Looking left and then right 
Making it happen with a positive view 
No negative thought of exercise, therefore pursue.  

Your spirit grows and health follows suit
Leave me to move forward, 
don’t control others let them see their health especially things are not going right
The balance of work, rest and play 
Needs a healthy balance, you know this... now focus..and hold on to pray

Friday, 15 February 2019

Doesn’t matter who I am

It does not matter who I am
But the thought that I love you makes me feel strong
Holding you my great friend 
Is encapsulated like a reassuring song.

I love thee
I know I am loved too
People may browse and avoid to understand l
Emotional intelligence is our strength
Which takes us to a healthier length.

I want to be there for you
That comes from faith and understanding
The presence of the lord is constantly outstanding.

A friend will hold you 
And the lord will encourage the good steps you take
Every beautiful moment 
Are quests we embrace to make 


Healthy body and healthy heart,
scared of exercise?
scared from the energy it dispelled?
Never an exercise story has fell?
Energy of a positive mind-set,
The energy to release the strain on the mind
Gods faith in you is humbly kind.

Be courageous, never look back
Get your breathing right
You will be ready to contain the fight.

Look at your limits
And raise the bar,
There is never any rush
Yet when that serotonin hits through
You constantly move forward and pursue.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

From the start

Spring fails and winter falls back
The start of a new season is harmonious and refuses to lack 

May the start become great
May the start of the learning endure new passages
Learn to move forward and believe in god 
The time to enter towards this new day
Will be balanced and sunny
Along with a smile and key to be funny.

The news is dour 
And today portrays a controlling theme,
Why can’t we look to a brighter future
A spiritual place that suits you.

Spiritual attachment is where it belongs
Look to a brighter future
Opening the door from a positive key
Two hands together and then prayer
the answer to becoming free.

The Common Cause..

Anxiety the cause before the storm
People saying you are making it up...
Maybe contributed by using your phone constantly
A result of making the outcome a monstrosity.

Channel you efforts away from the cause
You don’t need your phone on you always,
Yes, chat have a little small talk from time to time
Even send a video to raise your humour 
Not all the propaganda that causes politics
I rather have a game to endure, chill a little, not stuff that sticks..

You see, we are all guilty for wanting things here and now
People struggle with their patience 
And lack of patience can cause anxiety 
I rather aim towards a world full of sobriety.

Anxious or not, try to refrain a little from the power of the inpatient wanting.
We have got to a stage of anxiousness, 
which is a cause of common destruction
Learn to avoid a fast and bad space 
Surround yourself with good people, you know????
That positive place. x

Valentine Friendship

You are a blessed person

Whom I care and may god lifts you each day

He will hold you and love you

Like no others can try to say.

If you are strong in grace and mercy

He will lift your spirits high

You never have to shed from people that care

Genuinely loving and a person who shares.


Love is glorious

Love is kind

Love is rapturous

Love is also what we need to find.


Be peaceful from the love these words show

I am here today and maybe not the next,

Yet the spirit of love holds your heart

Happy valentine’s day, and that is just the start.





Wednesday, 13 February 2019


You may care 
You may find hope
You may look towards a new page in life
You could look towards a hug that deflects any strife.

Look in the mirror
You are beautiful, kind and otherwise sweet
If anyone says otherwise 
They haven’t seen their internal reflection 
Gods humble grace creates your beautiful perfection.

Look to the faith you possess inside
Faith does not judge, faith holds true
Faith is the reason we function and smile 
Faith is the goodness we need to see, forever and quite a while.

Look and strive to be happy 
Make others happy through gods humble grace,
Touching moments when we aim to inspire
That’s the beauty of god, he will slay away the fire...

Minute by minute....

Minute by minute 
Hour by hour 
Day by day 
Take your time, then you’ll have your say.

Be at peace 
Learn to move forward when others hit their stress,
An agenda to make others Look good
You are the most important person 
From the glory you capture, therefore could.

Time is faster than its ever been
Stress and pace is like never seen before
“Leave me be” I’ll say 
Not caring if in a professional, social setting or open shore.

Moments lapse
Calm it down
Politics I avoid with passion
Chaos has no place in this challenging life, 
Learn to hold strong and true
The magic ingredient from life comes from prayer that is where comes the true.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Being judged

Words inflict from where others do not understand 
“Weird”, “strange” an uncharacteristic view 
You should not worry what others think, as they do not have a clue.

Look at me, I say it as it is 
Wordsmith,  non conformist and humble in heart
Yet my eccentric outlandish view relays the word, for a start.

I am humble in spirit and do my best for you or anyone else
I am no god, just a man who loves and holds the truth
Not aiming to be the centre of attention
Just a mere soul 
whose journey in faith shall constantly flow.

Please be kind to someone who is not the same as you 
They are not strange, just different and need to be accepted
Balanced humility and open mind opinions are kindly detected.



If you delve in drama 
Perhaps that’s the way you are made!
You may relish from a little mayhem
For me... that’s where that act will send .

Drama comes from sport
Enticing the belief you may have inside,
Peoples faces will show character 
Then again the calmer gentles the tide.

People in chaos don’t have time for this added spurt
I am more into peace and love 
More of a realist who avoids the chaos that drama brings
Facebook, social media the added intensity that kind of stuff flings..

I suppose gods welcomes and loves all sorts 
Who enters into the passage where calmer arrives, 
As long one person is good to another, then the glory will always derive. 

Monday, 11 February 2019

Patience soul

Patience a skill in itself
A balance of calm and calculating focus 
The allowance to let others finish their sentence 
Is not entirely hocus pocus.

Never an easy skill to learn
This attribute called patience, 
I like the feeling to be like this 
It means I can hold my stuff together 
And that I may come across a little clever.. 

A gift comes from the spirit 
A spirit lifts you high
Holding yourself together through patience to contain
Patience is a friend, nothing to refrain.

People may like chaos 
And people may like feuds 
With patience in mind
You always appreciate the times which you find.


Sunday, 10 February 2019

How do you comprehend gods love?

God the all mighty 
And the all powerful spirit that ever exists 
His mercy and humble grace 
shall always endeavour to take you to that better place.

Never turn him a way 
He will never do that to you,
His spirit magnifies your heart 
The sheer essence of a loving god 
Shall never ever depart.

His protection is like no other 
The brace of the higher power
Is respected and always devour.

Pray everyday 
Never lose hope
You will always face trials and challenges from the flesh
If you don’t understand what I just said, then read the Bible... you will figure out the rest.

Saturday, 9 February 2019


I pray from the heart
I pray for peace 
I pray for gods calling 
He is the master that holds us from ever falling.

I pray for beauty
I pray for people to show kindness 
I hold gods hand 
That is gods continual stand.

I pray when I am at the gym 
I pray when lifting the weights
I pray for you and me 
I pray that love in god we shall always see.

I pray for as long as I can draw breath 
I pray for gods glory 
This humbleness is continual forever 
And everlasting story. X 

Praying and Staying

The most powerful capture
The most spiritual rapture 
The most powerful cry
Never lose god, he shall never sigh.

Love your life 
Love the heart that loves you
Be beautiful to your soul
Never let people struggle go.

God can only one be one 
He is kind
Loving and beautifully good 
Hold me dear lord 
As I pray for you as I should.

Be my friend 
Be my loving soul 
Be my spirit in the gym 
Be my loving father, next of kin.

Believe in you

Never doubt
Always believe 
Don’t ever prevent 
And never deceive.

Bring the word to your heart
It shall make you feel better 
Like writing a simple note
As well as a meaningful letter.

Stay focused 
Never lose touch
Your heart is powerful 
Yet the lords loves you.. that much 

People shall judge 
And people lose their hearts
Pray for them, and smile with all your heart and soul
Despite any mistakes you have made, let goodness show x x

Friday, 8 February 2019

Despite raining

Despite the weather, if you meet nice people
Then the weather is not too dim
Happiness through good people holds true
No magic ingredient, just the avoidance of feeling blue.

Words of prolific just
Yes, it’s not perfect out there 
Yet through good people trying to remain strong 
At least we are avoiding to do any wrong.

Rain can dampen the mood
And it’s never easy to turn rain into warmth
At least you see the care
And there are people with no shelter to stay under 
Humbleness shines a light and arids any blunder.

I am here sipping a pint in a chilled pub
Listening to church music to keep me surrean,
Focusing on the next moment with a humble prayer
As long there is that shelter, god shall always be there.🙏🏽.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Positivity equals love

Look at life 
If you love, you then become positive
If you are positive, then that leads to love
Glowing in spirit 
Learning to be so within ‘it’

Life can be good
Life can be bad
Life can be slow
Life is loves understanding to flow.

Behaviour will breed behaviour
Angst is brought in from what life may throw.
Scared how someone reacts is tentative in itself 
Confess with your mouth, heart and soul
The protection from the higher power is where we grow. 

Love thy neighbour 
Hate has no place on this earth
People will say “that’s just the way it is” 
No, it’s not, why are we all arguing to get one over the next!
Political nonsense has no place in gods calling 
Heaven as it is on earth shall prevent us to keep falling. 

Not Everything

Everything is temporary 
Nothing ever lasts 
Speak from your heart 
And turn wrong in a correct way
Be open, honest and have your say. 

Never say never 
And when you do, there is a reason 
Looking towards open amd surreal worlds 
Is not a fantasy and nor a twirl. 

The world is quick
Things change all the time 
Seeking the day you belong 
Is the day gods love shall make you strong.

Words of kindness
And words of surrean love,
If you are hard on those that do the same to you
Balance your heart and remember we are here for a temporary time
Essence of love everso sublime. 

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Friendship held

Friendship leads to endearment 
People that give you a glimmer of hope
Even sometimes family can’t or won’t help you through an ordeal
Your friends can guide you and provide a humble meal .

I am not saying family is not important
Yet sometimes friends are the reason why you aim to do your best,
Encouraging words will come from your friends 
And moving forward is the only way
True friends are there through a spiritual need 
Eyes wide shut is where you need to feed.

A welcome hug is what a true mate gives
Rain or shine, a friend wants to be there through thick and thin
Humble to the almighty. Gods brings you guys close
Balance in friendship is where it matters the most. 

The word friend means “one person meets another through a mutual bond”
Speaking with interest and learning from others views 
I am still learning the art “to agree to disagree”
Friends are the forefront of  life 
A friend that listens and shows that they care 
Patience with your friends, who aim to be there. 


Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Sometimes you won’t get it

The title speaks for itself
You feel that you are the only one going through stuff,
No empathy from others or warm words to say “it’s going to be okay”
The world has become more me, me, me
You don’t have to cower, or even decide to flee.

It’s like squeezing a zit, or removing a bit of dirt
Somethings are only temporary to cause a stain 
Other moments need to simply refrain.

Some shout and love the sound of their own voice
I am more of a puncher 
Solid as a rock
Don’t need to say much 
Just said in a few calculating words 
Not personal, simply verbal self defence
The humbleness will recover and avoid any offence. 

The day will he yours 
The glory goes to the ultimate king
Whatever you bring to the table
Is a moment that leads us to feel ever so stable x 🙏🏽

Hard on yourself

Look at myself 
Hard on myself
I don’t know...
Actually yes, I do know
I want to the best for the job in hand 
Yet my overthinking releases where I need to land. 

Why am I like this?
I suppose I wish what I want for myself,
Look towards my thinking 
An over thinking lead to unnecessary blinking.

I pray for people that are so hard on themselves 
I am so over sensitive I put pressure on I,
I then pray to the Lord and then I release an almighty sigh.

Balance, humbleness and comforting words
People (like I) will always try to do their best
Yet there is one god who will forever hold divine intervention, and keep you in prime. 

Monday, 4 February 2019

People will say...

Sometimes you look in the mirror 
And worry what others might say,
Hurtful statements to damage the heart
You need to be strong and allow those words to eventually part.

Yes, it’s sad when others judge how you have lived your life
You have done nothing wrong, remember that 
We have all made mistakes 
And at times we haven’t seen the ‘wood through the trees’
I feel we are all on a different journey, that others cannot see.

Looking at idolatry
People don’t understand, so they judge 
Can’t we all accept we are different, and people do not need to receive condoling words
Blind to the fact no one lives a perfect life 
People have hastily said horrible things 
Hence a glory for what we bring. .

Once you pray for those who persecute you 
The spirit within protects your heart,
Humble retrieval is where it should start. 

Sunday, 3 February 2019

The lift

We all face trials and tribulations
Furthermore, closer to home
Learning to stay together 
Is better than holding your own.

The love people have for each other
The question posed to each other, encourages a release
The glory from the lord is something we never cease.

Prayer, Worship. Words that hold purpose to each and everyone of our souls
A hug, a hand shake and glow shows from our face 
The tears lift our spirits, as we fill right up
Look towards a spiritual growth that lifts us above.

Hold my hand brother 
We are all in this together,
Encouragement and the release of the past pain 
We are all holding strong and wiping away the stain. 

Saturday, 2 February 2019


To control others is an unhealthy art
An element of guidance can feel good
Over doing it, is not what you should. 

Unleash your thoughts 
Make them healthy for you
No need for unhealthiess 
Live the life you WANT to pursue.

Others will judge and others want to control what you say
It’s about you, it always been 
Follow a spirit that comforts you like a blanket on a cold shivery day,
Those moments where others TRY to control your soul 
Rebellion will escalate,
That’s a human trait
There will always be consequences for the other parties 
That leads to fate.

People may say “why are you not married, or have children?”
If you have NOT done this, have you failed 
You are just as important on this planet
And not obligated to compel.

Faithful journey

Challenged by others
We have all been there,
None of are perfect but we judge
Sometimes I prefer to stop, by getting a nudge.

Whatever works for you
For me it’s Worship, prayer and cup of coffee
Giving it all to the lord with prayer and free will
The end result is quite surreal. 

Sharing stories 
No judgement attached,
No politics said 
I rather be kind in the world with a spiritual view.
You should try it, you will avoid feeling blue.

Words I have written come with a timely force
Looking to stay focus on the lord will play to your strengths,
Rather be judgeful which leads to a demise , 
Glory to the higher power, that comes with no surprise. 

Friday, 1 February 2019

Simply understanding which is against your principle

How can you understand a principle you don’t get?
Your moral judgement shall hit your head hard
Balance to what is simple to you may not be understood by others,
My answer is to avoid judgement and stay bold 
You will only enter into unnecessary drama, otherwise you shall feel cold.

Stay congealed in the leap of faith you touch
People will attack 
Anger is an unnecessary conflict 
Look to your future, why not smile with spontaneous wit?

Politics has no place in this world
As disparaged movement tests the patience with almighty vigor.
Humble movement and steadfast love remains strong 
Life is only temporary the journey on earth merely prolongs.

Life and judgement 
Politics and anger 
Decisions for better or for worse,
Something is always around the corner 
Brave movement with a whisper of words
Those who do not comprehend 
Need to be at balance, for which they can attend. 

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...