Saturday 13 July 2024

Time with the Father

“I am always here”
That is what the Father says,
Don’t be angry for what leads you to a lonely path
Hold onto the spirit to lead you down a road to serve
Where ‘iron sharpens iron’ as the spirit which shall provide you great worth. 

Holding on is key 
I have been in a place to let go as I didn’t want to be anymore,
Yet through the prayers of redemption give your heart to the spirit from which you can soar. 

Kindness and weakness can often be abused 
Human nature to oversee and unaware of others perception
Gifts of astuteness rebukes the devil’s deception.

Go with your heart 
Speak, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide, 
Pray profusely as God knows your thoughts at a time where there is nowhere to hide.

13th July 2024

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