Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Thanks Dad.

Thank you for being you
You said it as it is
If he didn’t agree, he would tell you off… and then dismiss.

Thank you for being crazy
Zany with an array of funny words,
“Shut up you git” springs to mind
He was so real, a blessing of kindness in what I find.

He was beautiful
A stunning grin which showed an abundance of care,
I know I shall miss him, as I to pray to God that he is over there.

I know you are great
A man I truly love,
It’s not goodbye, we shall see him again
I won’t swear right now, which I know he would
One of a kind, I can hear him right now 
Probably because I’ve done something wrong
Love you Dad, heaven is where he shall return strong.

“Dad x”
17th May 2023

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