Sunday, 28 May 2023

Imagine a day in a type 1s shoes

Imagine maths is your master, and that involves God
Fathoming behaviour and food intakes, and the intakes when others decide to prod.

Imagine your maths is quick like a summer breeze
Don’t be embarrassed having this condition, especially when you sneeze.

You have lots to contend 
Having diabetes you don’t need to understand why others offend.

They don’t understand 
They don’t know how you feel,
They think you are being dramatic, and not at all surreal.

This condition is one day at a time 
A time when others try to control,
And your laid back attributes does go with the flow.

A time lapses 
Hypo or hyper will occurs,
Surround yourself with kind people who try to understand, 
Humbleness in God to manage this is what I comprehend.

28th May 2023

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