Sunday, 19 May 2019

When tears hits you

It can be anything 
A thought...
A moment... 
A moment of desire...
Tears can lead to happiness and never conspire. 

Love is hope 
Tears are a fountain of love 
Doesn’t always need to lead to anger
Anger is managed through tears 
Release love as well as your fears. 

Glory to god 
Towards man, woman and child
Tears from a raindrop
Words sang by Womack and Womack, in god fearing love
Never a truer moment when floating above.

God bless you...
And in the words, smokey once said:
“Tears of a clown “
The moment when a tear is released 
Gods presence is getting closer, in the very least. 

A tear can be your saviour
Gods tears of a release is your only way
Power to the heavens
Sometimes tears are stronger than you know
God fearing love, now the tears are on show...

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