Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Healthy option

We look at health during economic times 
You need a job to help buy good living 
But you need a healthy option to continue giving.

Work hard but manage your health needs
No point putting yourself into a stressful state
Sometimes, the health option leads to a clearer fate.

Do a little exercise 
Socialise and try to be kind,
You may have your health agenda in order,
Learn to relax and enjoy your health 
Rather than over indulge in consumerist wealth. 

Health is your forefront 
When you have that, then other things falls into place
look towards healthier goals,
Keeping all things together 
Is a bit like a summers holiday... simply going for the weather.

Speak to a person who exercises
And then speak to someone who doesn’t,
The Health outcomes are widely different 
One offers a positive mind and view
Not rocket science, or even a clue.. 

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