Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Our faith

You need faith
Without it, you cannot reach hope
You aim to grow and remain still
look to the heavens, believe me this is real!

I once struggled with hope
I was inbittered with lots of pain
I hated everyone and everything,
What use would I be to my friends and those who I loved?
Looking at a soap opera, that’s fictitious and makes no sense
The humbleness of the lord, reaches a fence..

Pray to the heavens 
Kneel down and cry out to the almighty lord,
Don’t be scared, he is holding your hand
For there you go, with god for which you stand.

I never loved life more 
Despite how gossipy the world is right now,
We all need faith, this kept me alive 
Praying to the almighty father is one of many keys to make you strive.

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