Saturday, 11 May 2019

Talking with

We were children once
Did you have good parents? Or indifferent, that weren’t well equipped ?
Views can vary from one person to the next
Try to move forward and eliminate any vex.

Children are the future 
Talking “at” does not win
Having a conversation with a good temperament, eliminating the bad
Trying to move forward and avoiding going mad!!

Goodness and exemplary showing 
Will help children to be calm and go forth
Encouragement without spoiling 
Is a great path to forgo, 
Children are the future, 
which we all now
Now help them go... and calmly flow.

Here is my hand 
Here is the shirt, if you need to cry and release
Tough love does have its place 
Yet confidence in youth, or even a son or daughter who are later in years 
Remember, what may have worked for you, doesn’t always release anyone’s fears.

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