Sunday, 7 April 2019

It’s life..

Many a hurdle you shall face 
The meaning of life 
Isn’t always a race.

“I’ll do it now, otherwise I forget”
Stress on the body, not methodical 
Yet it takes all sorts to make this world go round 
What does that mean? We learn? And avoid a frown.

You work your hardest 
Doesn’t matter how low the income is
Take pride in what you do
If others shirk that’s their prerogative and not yours to be concerned
Just pray and bring forth a humble discern.

Work through you life 
If others you trust say nasty things, take stance and avoid vexatious “nay sayers” 
You life is important to god 
More than disgruntlement, and even a nod...

Be kind to you
You deserve that, regardless what you have done 
You still need to live your life and fulfil
Yes, you have messed up, haven’t we all?.. life is the deal x 

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