Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Hold onto faith

When a story is told 
If you believe, recite and be bold 
The glory of god is the only way 
You will have your opinion but he shall have the final say.

Judgement and impatience is so prevalent during this day and age,
News is often subjective 
Politics isn’t now for the citizen who pays their bills 
Humbleness is often the deal.

Chaos is most peoples way to cope
And anxiety is the common state of mind
No one calms situations 
We look towards calm and kind.

I am human 
We all possess flaws 
We do however, try to make things better
Not by always talking or writing a letter.

The right path is peace and attainment 
Places we all need to arrive at,
Put your hands together and simply pray
The world is actually a beautiful place, at the end of the day

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