Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Slow to anger

Slow to anger quick to judge 
Never great ingredients 
Heaven on earth needs no nudge

Perception and viewing a point of taste 
The world in its current state through fierce angered words,
No one making a decision, simply standing on the fence 
Be bold and mindful, that’s no past tense.

People need to take account for what they have done wrong 
I too have been told of my lapses 
Yet encouragement has been ignored through my life
I now have good brothers and sister who pull me through any strife.

When I write, I write for one and all
Looking to the left and then the right
Glowing to new beginnings and making it work
Never allow judgement rule your heart 
Like that old cliche “ you make your bed and lay in it”, that’s no way moving forward from here I depart .

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