Monday, 22 April 2019


A sometimes complex beast
Some you couldn’t ask for better
Some you avoid and rather write a letter.

Personalities pulled together
And when others judge, then that’s where the fun and games begin!! NOT.
Talking AT someone rather than WITH
Words exchanged as the essence is for all parties is to agree... and live. 😉

Be at peace 
Some prefer drama and chaos
Facebook which instigates “he said and she said..”
I rather post my poems and rely a spiritual message 
Harmony in mankind is where it’s at
Praise for love and humble tidyings
Otherwise the overwhelming avalanche causes hidings.

If you don’t understand these words 
Then thank you for taking the time to read,
The over exacerbate has no place in this world,
Calmness and harmony and meeting good people to make you strong and wise,
A conversation with god is the only one that surmise.

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